Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LAOIES’ OOLUMK. Mr. Cbi.se. the lieaer»l P;*8- i seoger Ageat of the oleano Hooae Company siys something is poing to happen to Madame Pele. He thinks she has heard i ol oar Qaick Sale>s and Small Profit Policy and is determined i sbe will do something to get np a bigger sensatiou. We are too bosv to go and sec what ia goiog ' on; 30 here Ls a ehanee for you to go as oor representative. Yoo are aware of the fact that erery parcbase made at our <jtore yoa receive a eheek. KEEP EA ERY ONE. The amoont of purch:ise makes no dit!ereuce. On l>ecember 26th. []the morning after Christmas] the man. woman or child bringing in the LAEGEST NUMBER CHECKS to the Store before 12 o’eloek noon receivo a FIRST CLASS ROl'ND IKIP TICKET to the VOLCANO, and a lelter of intrchluction to Madame Pele, as B. F. EHLERS & CO.’S, representative. This ticket gives vou ehoiee of routes and time for leaving. Remember every purchase. great or small eutitles you to a ehanee. Ius worth working for. In the mean time, we are going to tn’ and make tbings lively hcre. Quick sales and Small Profits and plenty of new novelties will eonlinue to do it. Tbe Mariposa oame just in time. We have boen looking forward wlth pleasure to the arrival of tho.se DARK BLL E anil BLACK LAWN8 —the very lntest ont; also SCOTCH GINGHAMS and COLORED DIM1TIES. A full line of these goods. Specinl «ttention is also ealleel to our new W HITE and RED BATISTESaod magmficeut SINGLE aud DOUBLE IDTH CRETONS—suitablefor Curtams and Farniture Covorings. 'SXS’ Do you want to go the Volcuno ? B. F. EHLERS &. C0.
Fred. Harrisoi ANE BUILDER The Leading Builde IN HONOLULU. Estiroates glven on all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and \Vooden - bing of all kinds. Bailding Material for Sale. and 512 King Street. Hesid«
N0T1CEDnring my absenco from tlie ountry after the dep.irturo of the 'O—anie” for China Chin Docs vilI bave full obarge of my bnsiiesa and affairs generally. Wailukn. Sept 24.1894 Ah Chew P0UND,MASTEU'S NOTICENoticc is hereby given to all >eisons that there are at the 4overnment Pound a Makilei i nee the tirst day ofOct- 1894, 3 horses and a eow 1 bay mare vitb a little white spot at the orebJead, branded J C on the eft hi«d Ieg; 1 brown mare, no bn»nd on; 1 cream mare with a |īttie white spot at the forehead. \ll the fonr !egs white Br »nded R on the left hioi leg; 1 red eow no br*nd, nght ear cboped otf tbos \ _A Any p*.«on or persoo9 owniog these anit.ia s aro i**<juested t > eome >»nd btke the 8nme oo »r hefore 12 o’eloek ooon Oct. 13 1894, SATUBDAY Wm. Kaapa Ponnd Mas r. Mnkiki Out. 1.1394. ct 4 CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf ,v C >- has r>»avve41 > Ar ling: n HoteS wher« they wiU be b**tter able b> 9er«* and pfeiS' lheīr P«irons. Will keep on band al! the l*ttsl papōr*. S»‘T?lties, io bracchw *>ftbe tride