Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Chureh Services [ARTICLE]

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Chureh Services

st. \swtE®' s < iwnauu Xiif serr.ct*3 of CiHwdw!! 0-agregation of Sk AuJrew $ Cathedral for io-morrow &re as foilows: 6:30 a x - HoIy Coamonion; 11 a * Huly Commaoion »aJ seraion; 6:30 p. m., evensong anil sertnon. SECOKD COSGBEGATIOX. The services of the Secon J Coa- _ gregation of St. AnJrew's Cathe Jral to-morrow (§anJay) will be as foIlows; 9:4ō a. M. . holy eomm'Aiion witb sermon: Kyrie anJ S;incta>, Mannder in 6; hymns 315 anJ 323. Nane Dimittis. Bee» tboven in C tiat- 630 P.Jt.,even song with sermon; Arne in G; Nune Dimittis. McFarrenm A; bymns 302, 2'24 and '21. Rev. Alex. Mackiatosh, pas tor. All are corJi.illy invited. CEXTRAL CMOS CHCBCH. SunJay, October 7. —Rev. Dr. Robert G- Hntchins, D.D., will preacb at 11 a.m anJ at 7:30 p.m. Morning topic, "Tbe banquet spread in the presence of our eneraies” Sacr»mental season nne reception of members. Evening topic, ‘‘Encouragement for mature people.” N SaiKlay School at 9.45 a.m. Yonng People’s Society of ■ Christian EnJeavor meeting at 6.30 p.m. Sobject, “Consecretion; whil 5t is; what Joea. lk»m. 12:1-12. AU are cordially iu j vited.

C’I1R1STIAX MtssV»X. Meetings at Hurmony Hall on King stre(t, bet\veen Fort aud Alakea streets. Preichingby Pev.T.D. Garv’.n, Evangelist, at 11 a. tn., aud 7:30 p. m. Subjects; “The law of panlou under the Gospel dispen S(ition;” “Is conversioa a mir aele?” Bible c!ass at 10 a. m. Prayer-meeting Tuesday at 7;20 p m. All are invited to attend. Seats are free. V. M. e. A. SERTICE3. Suuday, 11 A. M , at Oahu Jail; ! 1:16 P. M , at the Barracks; 3:30 p, m. , Bible study at Y. M. C. A.; 6:30 r. M,, Gcspel praise service at Y. M. C. A. LATTER DAY SAIXTS. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of L itter Day Saints; Mili. lani Hall, rear of Opera House. Services wiil be held on Suuday as follows: 10 A. M., Bible cliiss; 11:13 a. M. and 6:30 P. M., preaching.