Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — A NEW CLUB. [ARTICLE]
f i A number of loeal Bicycle ri- ! > ders have formed a club whioh \yill be called the Honolulu Cyūle Race Meet Association. A j * i series o£ races will be arranged 1 to take plaee on Thauksgiving | j day. The following are the offir cers of the club: President, H. G. Wooten; vice- j president, H. A. Giles; secretary. ? R. A. Dexter; treasaier. R. N. ' Halstead: executive committee. D. Crozier, J. Wright. F. Ang .s, and*A. F. Clarke.
Tbe Moonlight left Se»tlle on September 13tb for Honolulu with a cargo of coals, wood and sbingles. New York. S«pt. ‘2o. President Havemever of the American Sup«r Company has issued orders for the closing at onee of balf the refineries. and n**xt week the remainder will be shut down. This action is taken becaose o{ the j Urge amonnt of retined sogar ou : hand, and also, it iss;nd.because ol the operntion of the new tariff. Rome, Sept, 27. Tbe Pope has j summoned Managsr Holst. the i spiritual adnser of the laie Coont ! of Paris. to the Vutioan for the viarp>«e of imparting to him inlstrJctions in regard to R >yal:slsSan Francisco. Sepi *2S. The schooner Moonlight eame in .1 throogh the Golden Q»te this . 1 afternoou wiih ker hotd fol) ol • water and her crev almost exhaosted wiih their »ors at ihe pumpe for aearly a week