Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Disgraceful Row. [ARTICLE]
A Disgraceful Row.
A man nnnaeil Mnller waa assaulted this morning in the poliee station by C. Klemme andCordis both oflicers in the moanted poliee. The aff~ay took plaee outside the door of the Marshal’s oftice aiul was cansed by some . pobtical ditrerences. Muller is a prominent member of the Shuetzen Club from whieh Klemme has ro6Īgued recently. Both officera were servtd with penal summons und stand charged with assault and battery. They will be tried ou Monday iaorning. The atfūr seems to reflect mo6t remarkable ou the li6aūc|uarter» of tbo iaw-and-order' depannent. j 1 !