Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — A NIGHT OF LAUGHS. [ARTICLE]

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# T«o«e wbo enjoi* a real whole Home i«ngh pri!l he acc«)rdfil ampie opp«<rtaBity lonigh?f-r fsci.il disb>riien and tfae baoUbmeut of all doll c*re throogh Aag«stin D»)v x* A N ght Otf. The p’a_v de«ls witb u l'ntversity Professor who is soekicg histrionic game aud who contr:icts witb a barnsbt»orning theatrical company to prodnce a play written by him ! while in college years before. The profesaors wife and single daoghtor return before the play has been presentc-d mueh to tbe dingnst uf the halauee of tbe ho.isebold aod the f>iraily eom- I plirations uecessary to produce and witness* this effus?on are hilariously funnv. A. connt * erp!ot is cvolved through a jealous wife wlio iusists on her busband having a spicy his tory and to s.itify her, he tells tbe escapades of his coilege ehnm who isa memberof the com«ny. | They escape to the theatre bv a ; subterfiige aud are discovered. ; The play is a dismal failure and ; tbo return cf the principals is | made Wiiim by the deceived wives. i The huraor throngbont is Lome- , like, elean and infections and the characters such as might be met i in every day life. The celebrity j of the play is known ou two eoa- | tineuts whieh insures it a crowded . house touight.