Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — A NICE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]
The following c“owd have been selected to form the convention. . whieh will nominate the ,-senal tors” and ,l representatives” for Honolu ! u. Annesation to the United States is the ostensib!e policy of the coming pohticians. The States, thongh, are not eonsulted. The names of the wise men are pnblished here: A. Kennedy, A. W. Keeeh, T. F. Lansing, D. L. Naone and Thomas Wright; George Smith, Faxon Bisbop, J. S Martin and Johe Souz»; T. B. Murray, E. Towes, John Effinger, W T . *P. 0’ Prien and A. K. Asau; Fisher, C. W*. Day, Charles Crozier; Julius Asch, H. G. W*ooten and W T R. Sims