Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

gonsaives Best PiiHwf Snii]i la Cj»'0' oC*X, 4 *. i), tV) » _i: THIS SOAP I? Ti ?iasst Impc:ted H;:t, 8PEC1AL PRICES FOH ' . MlPEhU'n^ Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH W111SKEI Mmmdi BEN ALDOCHLA\, Ainsiey‘s OLD BIentlcd Glen!ivet GLE ,N 10N Extra.S, GLENLiON SPEC1AL LĪOl'El R SC0TCH W1!ISKHY __ _______ City - Carriage M'F : Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEI-T D. BEflT, Mjp$a Blacksmith Work A?.D C)rriagj Rjpairing PAINTING : AND : TIiIMAIK>’G In all its Branch»'s at i Rcck Pric’ h. Mutual TeIephone T>S2 Give ua a Cu i for yoursclf. j_v_3 ADi£INISTRATIO*rSK3T::S. THE UXB»ERSHiXED Lav _• !• appoinle»! Administnitor of t ! j' ! Peīklo Kakoi. ;k Utc of Hoi . deceased. Xoticc U hereby "iven to ai ■ : thc decearcd to ptescnl theii ,»ccnred by M.>rtjjaife, or otlj aatbcndtcaicd and witb the proj ,• lf any cxiist to lh<- under»igned 1 * mom’ha from thc datt hereol or i ; forever barred; and all j>ersdns : n.l thc said decea«ed are reqn< to r nmediatu j.ayment at tbe OtR : r . L Kaiua, Corncr of Queen ai:■: < 9treets, Up-stair«. KAILI PEIELO KAK' T __ Administrator of the Esfat. Kakoi, (k) de< < a v d. iionolniu, 8cpt II, 1S>4. » II-*»-YJEE CHAX, OEAI.EK IV fl[en’g Fiqe ōoods Fine Tailoring Fine Ohineae and Japan» - ■ Handkerchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H u> lulu, P.O. Box 253. jy5 • J. H. TRUSCHLEK, Ooot & Shoemaker. 130 Fort titreet. Repairinf(, neatly Done, ha«i ole and heel with pegs, ialf so!e and heel sewtng, $1.50* au7 MEDEIROS \ Co. Merchant TaiIor« Haerican. English aml Scotch T*eeJs <«» b uui. Kist-c!as» work guarantaed. otel St., uu U» Ariuigtoa Uofel H'oea onolulo.| S. )•; EFs uion.