Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal f IIWE \IOVED TO Morgan’s - Auct!on - Rooms for • *i*>n ti» W« irwtW s*Uir.x Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA an«l KIXDUSG WOOD in my qaanti$y. Both Telepboa« 411 auo POUN r D >[ASTER‘S XOTTCE. Sotice is 1. i»bj given io *U person> thit there aie a$ Uie C»ovornaient Ponnil a$ Makiki two straveti bnlls. 1 hlaek bnll bran'tW R on riAt kird ’eg. I pineo ball brand indiscrioable on - legAny person o- persoas owing these bnus ;«ē miuesteil $•• eome and take the ,<ame on or before 12 o’eloek noon, t*ATURPAY, SEPT. lō, liW. JA\TF-S KUKONA, Pound Mas$er. M.kkiki. Ang. anj30-lwdy Pioneer Shirt Factory £STABLISIIBD 1SS7. A. M. MELLI8, PropiTetor, 5IS Fort St., Honolulu, (Upstair». Gooil Fit COXSOLIDATED SODA WATER CO. (LUfITTED.) ESPLAXADE: : Cor. Allen andFortSta. : ; Houoluln H0LL1STEK & C0.. .\zcnt*. F0R 8ALE. I A FINE “MIDNIGHT” STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenl>erg. I’iie <m1$ ean be seen at the PANTHEON STABLE from to-morrow. tf. I j The Whit? House! 118 Nuuanu Avenuc, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Fipgfc-cla$ Kou^e IX EVEEY BESPECT. Rooms from $1-59 to $3.00 ner WeeL or 50c. rer DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell TeIephor,e 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Visitcrs. Pienie Perties. Lnaas i i 11 —AND— I t I i J OENEHAL PUBLIC ! At 3 3 J3 A VD Livbry Stable, Kixg Stbeet. [Adjoiaing Metropoiitan Meat Market.] ls Ihe Cheapest Plaee in Town yon ean ps bas>e8, \t sgoneue>, Bnggies and Saddl Uorses. It wiU pay yo n to eall and sc before Ton Ur eUewfeere. Mulual Telephone 408 , angl-tf CAt'roiHiA F*VJij 1 E T c., Con»er Kin* and Alake* 8£n»ts. (’au!arinos Ref[wrators By Ereiy from San Fran- ' *?i»co, wlth f~resn Fruii, Oysfers, S3lrr,on, Poultry, n ■“ *«- Ilrc, Er , «V» 6.