Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£.ong Dranch -8ATHtHGr Ēstablishment. * Thle B»thinj? hi( bwn eni«rg«i and i* now opea to the puhlie. It i« the U>*t plaee on the ielands to enjoy a Bath. and tbcre ie no better olaee to lar off. 9pec al accommndation« for La - dies. Tr»mcars pass the dw>r ererv half hour, and on S«turday9 and Suodiji every fifteen nuuulea. C. J. SHERWOOD, jv24 Proprietor. Extra 0RD!NARY Cood NEWS for .... HOUSEWIVES and MATR'MONIALLY INCUNED MEN. S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuuanu street. oppoaile Central Meal Market Secoml Haud Furniture • have imported an er»ormouH amount of FURNITURE! From the Coa8t Thev are prepared lo 8ELL the Best Articles at L()WEST PJUCES Monoy is tight aod none of us havo mure thm wo know what to do with. KUBKV & CO. realize this, ond aro decroasing profils to suit tho times. lf you know tho valueof money deai witn S. KUBEY «fe CO, for in their slore, Ono l>ollar goes forther toward buying FL'RNITU11E than th oo at any othor plaee in ' tho town. On Sa(orJay evenings, open to t* F.M. l)on’t forget the address S. KUBEY »fe C0., Oppo. Ccntral M. Market P.g. Persons having Furaiture to sell will do well by c«li’ng on u«, se!0 tf, CHIN KEE. HORSESUOEING SHCP, Maunakea a Pauahi Slreet. Kftr aet all ronnJ f 1 >W 0!d net all ronnd I (X* N«xt Door to No. 5 Engine Honso. 1 •• ITOHAN,*’ |MTORTER A.M> DEĀL£R IX GENERAL I Uoroh«n»Use, Exolu«Te!y cf Jnmnes«* i M»nuf:u'tnrT>-)VHt)lJi».VLE * KETA1L. ‘JOt and 306 Fort Street. P,0. Box 116 Uutual T«k>. G?2. jylS THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON Harry"J<lemme, ' Manager Cor. Nuuanu <fc Beretauia sts* Honololo, H. 1. The Only Sp»*rtmg House iu Tovrn. O. P. a Specialitv. L0UENGRIN LAGER «BEER Aiwavs 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTBhest of nes, Ltquors, ami Cigar3, ALWAY’S ON HAXD. ioltf