Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
'ORD!NARY Good NEWS FOK HOUSEWIVES and MATRfMoN!ALLY /NOUHEO V,£N. 8. Kubey & Co. N • 418 Nnuanu street. C-ntr.il Meat M:r<et I Second Hand Fnrn*iture l)e ilers, have imn r«.ed an ei»< r aoua amounl of FUHNITURE! From ihe Co«st They are prepared lo SELL the BfSt Art’cles ;<l 1 A> \VEST F R ICES Money is t : ght a< d noue of us have more tli <n we know what to do with. KUBEY & CO. realize th : s, and are decre ising profils to suit the times. lf you know the valueof mouey deit witn S. KUBEY <t CO, for iu thoir stoie, One Dollargoes forther toward bnying FCliNITURE than throe at auy other pl:<ce in ! the towr.
On SaturJ.»y eveaings, open to ; 9 p.k. Don‘t forg t the adilress S. KUBEY & CO., Oppo. Central M. Market Ptrs»ms having Fnraiture to soll will do well by cilling on us. aelU tf. CHIN KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea & Pauahi Street. New set all ronnd $ l 50 01d set all roand I 00 Neit Door to Jfo. 5 Engine Hot»se. ang 1 “ JTOH A N,” IMPOR TER axd DEA.LEK IX OEN'EKAL 1 Merchandise, Exolasively of Japanese Manafactnre —WHOLESALE A KEEAIL. 204 and 206 Fort Street. I» O. Box 116 Mntnal Tcle. jylS N0TICED»uing my absence from tbe couutry nfter the depaiture of tbe “0--anic” for Chiua Chin Dock will have full cbarge of my busi- • ness and affairs generally. Wailuku, Sept. 24, 1894 Ah Chew i POUND MASTEKS NOTKE Noiioe is herebv given to all ’ pcisons that there are at the Government Pound a Makiki j s>nce the tirst »l*y ofOct. 1894, i 3 horses and a eow. 1 bay mare with a little white spot at the forebaead, brandod J C on the !eft hind Ieg; 1 brown mare, ne brand on: 1 cream mare with a little white spot at the forehead. All tbe four legs white Braade«l R on the left hmd leg; 1 red w» | no brand, right ear choped otf 1 thns \ w t. Any ptrson or persons owning these animaia aro iequesU;d to I eome *nd take tbe same en or before 12 o’eloek noon OeU 13 1394, SATUKDAY. Wi. Kaapa Pound Master. Makiki Oot- 1. 1894. cct 4 CARD OF NOTICE. ________ Scharf Cnu ha? r<*ra»>ved t > Ar lington B’c>ck llotel Street. « here tbey wlU be better able t*> terve .\nd' p'a*ss tbeir P»tn>n*. Wi I keep on h*nd a 11 tte !atest pape p. B ok Sut i .nery; lVri»d>ca u Uies, in all br*ochee«ef b N ▼ tr*d &U