Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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T*a»* Ar.»w » arrive<I last mgl»t fhe Aostm i« is doe touinrrow. i A 8eiiea« f iaugbs :n * A Night ’ OlT *’ 11 —— Th« l> >anl of registratiou will | totn--rrow | ( I* i Attorney - General Sraith |left . fown this afternoou in tbe Kinan. It whs i<m»ossil) , e to secare a n ttive jorv to try the cases nt the session of tho Kohala Circait. - $1223.70 were netted from tbe : Cathulic F:«ir. The government baml will play j «l Tbomas Sqnare to-uight. Don’t miss the concert at the Hotel this evoning. Mr. Palmor Woocls of Kohala left in the Kiuau today. ■■ ■ - There «re sorae prospects of u bicycle race on Thankr-giving Day. Custom House guarJ Lambert was discharge(l yesterday by Collector Gonenl Castle. Mr. Panl Neuinann and family have left San Sonci and taken np their residence on KingStreet. Miss Stockrneyer will introdnce ' another specially tomorrow night in ‘A Night Honolulu was plensed by the : constant rain whieh started last night. Growling on accord of mnd is now 5n order. Mr. S. C. Allen who was ex- ; pected as a passenger in the Australia will probably not nrrive for the next three or four weeks. “Papa” King is heartily oongratuluted on the «rrival of a boy. The ‘Art Gallery” is «lways a i success. The Myrtle Boat Club will eelebrate an aur.iversary next Sun- | day. Why don’t they get up a regatta and chalfenge the Leilaui Club — There are lots of interesting cases to be tried before the Cirenit Judge of the 3rd Circnit at tho present tenn. Chester Doyle leftinthe Kinau today to attend to the oircuit court in Kohala as interpreter. A ‘ nol a bean” society will probably be organized in thut festivo plaoe. Mr. Charles Maguire who hns been obliged to spend several weeks in Houolulu ou aeeounl of his wife’s illness left fof Hawaii i tbis afternoon. | — It is stated that Mr. Bartle*t one of the most popo!ar hotelmen who ever lived in Honoluln bas leased tbo llaniwai Hotel. The beautiful seaside resort will uudoubted!y become n great success under its futu re raan«gemeni The 31th inst is the Field D«y of the Honololu Amatonr Ath’etic Club. The meeting will take plaee at the bftseball groundsAdmission is 2o cts. and 5f tbe weatber perraits there is no donbt that a larga audience will be present. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoffnung who arrived in the Arr«wa l«st night. will r main in Honolulu for soroe 5 weeks. Mr. Hoffnnngwhoalways bas proven bimseif a fr;end of Hawaii was most ahabbily tre«ted by the Dole-Hatch eomhiuaUon. * P etition for th« appointment ’! of Mr. J I Dowsett as gu«rvlian f.,r Tbelma Purker. his gr*ndw»s presented to the oo«rt toduy- Judge WhiU«gcont nuedihe case IU1 next Fnd«y. i M r. Kinuoy for tbe r etitioner 1 M« Cecil Brown for tne of tho Parkar Est«te «nd Mr. A *» p. Pttbraon f° r P-rk«r»

1 The K na f«eit *t 2o’clocktbis «i:eno&«. S?ie c«rri:d a larger I nnmber o( passeng<?rs. J. H BUck celebrvte<l his ‘ (>3rd birthdav ves*erd«v The old * m * ’ well-known newspaper mau who | ! now »orks in Grieve’s office re i ceived mnoy euagrataIations. Tbe ’ celebraot »s tb« raf>st experieaced tvp grah io this conatry and j ean tell a story' better tban *oy other newspa[>er scribbler. Armstrong not excepted. Mav ; be have tnany happy retnrnsof the d«y. »