Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
r ■ *% r y /a \ C«Prr,f/iT.5j, iT’SAT08SUP Sometiraes whero to po to ; urchaso any particnlar arti-le, { ut not if you happen tow intanvthing in the line of £upplies. Pictupe p:azie3 or enlargecl portraits, there Ls but one plaee in Honoluln, to pnrchaso all raaterials, an 1 th.it - KING BROS. ’ Storo, for v.-hiob there is no rival on the>o Islamls. • The finest paintings in Haw.iii, are on exhibition in this eai «n. n The firm makea a specialty of ealarging portraits as well as raaking picture frames in the very latest stylcs cf m . In tho sheet pictures, they have thonaands to seleot froni of whieh they invite an inspection at any time. KING BHOS-, Hotel Street, : : ; II nolulu aug. 25-lmdly. F0R, SAIE A Complete Hunting- Outfit. One lrish Setter bitch of ti o best blood in America; reg -ter* i in the A. K. S. B. and j* rtly broken. One Pointer bitch by the ce!ebrated G!eubeigh that e st $10LO in Engl**.nd. Oue Pup five weeks old father and raother thorooghbreed-. One Bnckboard huiUeape* « Iy f»r bantiog porposes. One 12 g*uge L. C. Sra th i ; as goi»d as new aiid in fine orcler. The ubove ootfit will be soid eiiea;* Enqaire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf PO»IND masters NOTICE. Noiiee is hereby given to u.« per8ona that there are at the Goveroment Pouml at Mas:ki, 1 red horse, branded Ka on rigat n»od hip; 1 brcwn Mare. had no l red borse, bm « • on right hiad hip, brand- i «no»u on Ie/t hind h.p, aml a white spot on forehead. Any persoa or persons owuū £*** are reqne8te.l t > . , e “ ,i *l* t«ke tbe suuie on o belore 12 o eloek uoon October 6. 1891 ’ . 8aturi ‘ ’ W w. KaAPA, u.kiki aap. as, mi!' 1 lw