Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ARRIVI3D PeF( '‘A^dSTP v ALi^, ! ' Freaoh anil Votch Qingbams new» 10c., 2'\j. an \ Victoria L,»w;is (new). 10 yJ= for White Dr Goods (ne*) . 10e., I V.. 20c., 25o.,\. White an l Colored Dimities [new] 20e. au.l Llauaellelh?. all colors, (new> 10 ytls for J3TThe oM maxim—“Tbere is nothiug new uu.lor t ann’’ —knocke<l out. C ill and be convinced. M. S. LEVY. Who is now sett’e l in Bensoa. 8mith A* Co. TJ OUl Sta?ul, Fort Street
JUST ARRIVEO, 3 3 5 BsBY-;Cmi«GES 0F ALL ■i K J tr i <; IS T1IE LATEST PATTEKSd. “.HOUSEHOUD SEWING MACHINES nAND SEWIK0 MaCH1X2S, ! & An WitL tbe Latest Iiuprovements*^j PAKLOK Jrs:ans, Grmtarr f And Other Musical Instmmen •• * • Wines, liquois, B p er ALWAYS ON HAND. ANI F0R«6ALE RY EO. HOFFSCHUEGER 4 C0. King St.. oppo. CAstle A Oooke’9 LOViJOY & CQ| Wiqe LiquoF Dealei$ 19 Nuuanu Street’ We would eall your attention to Our S}>ecial Brands Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casksor bottles LEE SUNG KEE, 4Q KLSG STEEET. TD»SMITH, axd DEALER IX GLASSwaie, Crockery, Co«i OU Stoves, W a ter Po**—Plumbing ia All Its Bnncbee Faitbfnlly Execnted. jyl»-ly MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORV, : : KALIHI. Taro PlanU, Fre«h Tops and Raw Taro at all tiraes. Ring Up Mulual Te!ephone 577. Bell 345. W. L. \VILCOX, Jy25 Manager. CITY DRAYAGE C0 ; Stand: Qaeen and Fort Streets. White and Biack Sand. Draying Dune at Reas mahle Ratea. W. F. gaARBETT, Mam.iik, To L©t or Leaiso, A HOUSE on b. si to T. R. W*iker* pmaiiK*. p*rU>r. Jmoing roota. ami tbree bc4i'Aom«, bottde« kUeheo, bntbroom > »t>b!c* »n4 ai! wuveuīeact<, t*leiy oc»-upte<i by Mr. Dit>ou. Arte«ian viter Uid; rent moderate lo rvipOBsibie party. Addre«4 AUKAaAM rER>AM>E2.