Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 15, 5 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ASSIQ|4EB'S SALE! THE rSTTRtl ST0C5 01 Wen*ners Co. WILL BE SC»LD Regard/ess of Cost. sept 6- tf PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. RUi|]KY and loe Cream Parlors! HORN m m 1863 III/ 1894 P Wl HT PRACTICAL COX FEC T!OX JEK and ORNAMENTER In all hranche« of the hueinen oa the*e iiland«. Amenean, Ensrlish, German and FrencU PASTRIES Madc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made of tbe Very Bcst Matcrial and at Reasonable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahrays on Ifaud. ALL C»IFE€TIOXER¥ Mannfac*.ured at My Establisbment Are Gnaranteed to be Positively Pure and Sold at Prices no other establbbment ean eompele witb. &T FACTORT AND STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Honolalu. Both Telephones No. 74. jy26 I Per S.S. AUSTRALIA frora the Coast CAMAHINOS Refrigerator Contain a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Saliuon, Canliflo\ver Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, Gerraan Prunes ! Cra\vford Peaches, • Silvcr Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Eto. I California Fruit Market. ; Mutual Tel. 378 lt THOS- LIX13SA.Y 208 Mercbaut 9treet Hooolulu New Store, ne w Jewelry Gold, Silver and Diamonds. Jewelry Manufactare to -«rder. • Watches cleaued aud repairedin ®nd mspect. se4 HoYenl(ee^(Jo. Tinsmiths and Dea!ers '131Crockery, GfAssware, <%o. lajd' and plu.mbing NEATLT EXECUT£I> r« »■* N&iuaa 5t, |am Xia4B*sd Eo»I