Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — An Official Report. [ARTICLE]

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An Official Report.

Tokio, 8ept. 22. Oa Sept. 17, from 1 pm. to ō p. m., a sea batUe was {onght between 11 Japanese meu-of-wav wilh 6 torpedo boats. The four Chincse war Yangwei, Chaoyan, Laiyuen,Chin Yuen sank. and Chin Y*uen, King Yuen and Ping Yuen fthree Chineso men-of-warj caught firc,and all the rest were heavily damaged aud fied to the westw,ird. Two Japanese men-of-war, the Akagi and Mkushira tfiag shipj, were damaged m >re or less. and all the rest of the ships safely returned to the temporary j station.