Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do not hold ourselves rsspousiblo for tho opiuiona or the utterances of onr ■ oorrespondent8.] Eniīon Holomua: It is astouisbing to tue that j you persist in fignting and vot1 ing. Now let’s eome to solid j business. \vbat do you want to figbt for ? Tbe present conditiou , of tbings is here, aml to atay. ! Are you so proud of it tbat }-ou particularly wisb to get into a , figbt nbout it ! If so. you will find plenty re«dy to accomodate you 1 dollars a moutb witb board and Iodging tbrown in aiut to be sneezed atl! Fortv doll.irs! . geo wbez, tbat’s more tban a . decent respoctab'.e mau witb a family gets round Vermont or Full Bivor— uo wonder tbey eall tbis “tbe Paradise.” Now dear HolOmua you know you aiu’t figbting wortb a cent. Yon just put tbat ont for fuu, becanse you kuow darned well tbore ain’t nothing to fight about. Xot as I d suppose you care a tiukers tea keltle for tbe crowd tbats run- ! uiug tbe sbebaug (God alone knowa wbere) ($3.600,000) but wben you Ulk fight wby don't you go in and see wbat yon oan ( do ? They’re dead struck on you , and if you on!y ean save tbe dear family eompaei from tbe mess they’ro in you ean aleep in dovar until the rude. rongh, ar.d rightj eous awakening. Onlv wben tbe awakening comes, please don’t 1 be around, it m:ght be unpleasant. and we b«ve a sort’er soft spot left for you. Tbere is howi ever one uncomfort«ble qnestion i I d like you to «nswer on this Qgbt business. Are you dead sare how many of that forty dollars a moDth gang with etceteras will poeitively FIGHT; be sare and i be partiealar becaose it migbt be awkward. Now on the voTE queetion;tbat 1 hae been moel emphatically i Muswered. and in such trumpet tonea, that you ougbt to sbut up and mind yoor Holomua. There’e where tho fight bas und the

fight ia with the j»o<*ple of : With »11 tbe man«Trwlng tbat J the powers that be couId do they 1 have not8Ccared ten i'eī cert of ; the real regi»tered votera in tbe whole coantry. 1 base my e ilenlalion On tbe Begister of 1892 —more than one balf o( those now registere<l bave either no right to do so, or have don“ so under the most »hamelesa snd wi<rke<i coercion. Now Sir, what abont yonr boasted vote —Have not Ihe |>eople voted ? I ihink raost emph;»ticallv and so positively. that the world will readily see, on what basis the Hiwaiian Republic rests. * Talk as y<>u will, fight or vote, vote or fight, tyrany iu any forra will always fiud its level and rightand ju»tice eome ont ontop Hawaii. P S—At the opening, I said the present g»ng were there “to stay, M well of course, I mean, if they <fau make it stick ? Euiīop. Holomea: i Ho\<< about the Lndloffi cise ? Does this man get no satisfaction f»r the way in whieh he has been dischargod? 1 think the very leust that eonl J be done wonU be to reappoiut him. This wonld be a satisfaction t<> the indignant puhlie in general aud to tue illtreated young uian in purticnlar. The Marshal wonld regain tbe sympatbyof tho populalion whieh I he has somewhat lost tbrongli this rather hasty dismissal. An open and manly ackuowledgemeut of au error is always adrnircd as a sign of strength of character. Last not least it wouU be a good lesson to these Poljce offieers to let politics, of whieh they understand nothing, alone and perform their duties only for whieh they get paid. JrsririA. Honolnlu, Oct 3rd 1891.