Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFARLAXE Jk CO. D a!ers in Wina and SpiriU Street, Honolola. II. E. McINTYRE A BRO., (»iuxrEiiT, Feed Stobe A Bakert, Corner of King an«l Fort SU.. Honoluln J. PHILL1PS, PRACTICAL PLUMEEH, GAS.FITTER X)PPER-.SMITH. Honae and Ship Job Work Proraptl\’ Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulo. Du. Me LENNAN. Fi>rt Stre»*t, ;thove Hotel. MuUial T«*lephon« 0>2, f-»r nillee; 2S7 ibr re«idenco. j>'28 I :i3. e HOWE. Housc Siffn and Oinamenia! Painter. Manuf.iclnre <>f Liquid 8Iating, 620 Ring Streel. augl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Rstate and Oenei-al Auctioneer. fJoraer.Fort aud Qutca Streets Houolnln Personal attenti<>n given to Sale.s of Fiirnitnre, Real Estatc, Stock unel GenorH Meieliamliae. \lnfnal TcJeohone 2;tS — 1 “FATBOV.” i BAYH0R8E**3 8iL03M ! P. MrINERNY, Frophietor. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corxkk Rkthkl asd Hotkl Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory w. w. \VRIGHT.*Pkopuiktok, (Sncccssor to G. We»t). ("ARRTAGE BITLDING and KEPAIRING. All OrUere from the Otlier l<Iamls in the C»rrliuri- Ruil(ting, Trimming nml Pninting Line »ill Meel with Pronipt Anenlion. ( BUck>mitliiiu: in All Ils VarioU» Branclies 1 llone. P. O. Bos S2l. Nos. 128 and 130 | Fort Street. jyIB Iy W. S. LUCE Wine and Smrit Merchant Fire-prnof DIock, MERf!HANTKT. HONm.IM.U. 71 ;BOTH TELEPMONES;71 —C0NS0L1DATED—SODA WATF.R WORKS - ; CO. (|.1MITTED.) * Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Aiiother Invoice of the World Reno\vned FREDERICKSBUIG LAGER BEER! Ou Jraught and by lbe keg." Also. as a Specialty» SuallFresh Cal/forhia 0YSTERS, bX)K OOCKTA1LS m*yl Sms * A* IX persos» are sr»re«<l not to pen&ii their »nuu«l« to « Vhe Umm | of K»new»i »nl K»OJ -«Uui, Selongmg tbe j unelenugnea *t» pUn«e». AU i foand on 6tr»y«ng on lbe noe will be impouiKfe<l or »hol. lentai wai sino kee. Bom.loln. Ang-29 1S9V *ng Toi Wo Wing Kee Cq. 36 5UUANU STK1ET OeUen io Liulie*’ & Go «u' B <ot* »ud 8iioe* to unit», p