Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Q0NSA1VES Aflw»r« Kerps on īimmI » s a * r't of llx Vtn BesttarSoap In of 4X. 4J. 51. *) »al 7i 3 ; . TUIS SOAP IS IIIE Finest Imported He:s, ISPECI5L PRICES FOP. 5 CASEj IS LOTS. m m i\ Ceiebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SKE\ Sam<ly: BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsley's 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,M0N Extra,S; c!» GLEMION SPECIAL LIOUEIK SC0TCH WH1SKEY ir-s City - Carriags • M’F’Q- Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 K1NG STREET D. 1(. BEflT, M^NAq£6 Blacksmith Work AM) Cjrfiaj5 R;pilri,i3 PAIMINO : AND : TRlMMi:>G In all it« at Heel Rock Prices. Mulual Telephone 382 t[WF* Give U3 a Call and j ’ii for yourself. jy23 ADMiinsTHAiiG;rsit:::;s. TIIE l’NDER3IGWED b.vl..,- u- . appointed Admini.*tn«tor of Ihe • Peīelo Kakoi. (k) late oi Honoulu.'/ >■ - decea»ed. N'ot«cc ia herefcy j;iven to ai ■, rrd • t thc deceas«-d to pre»ent tbeirclaim‘ <-r »ecured bjr M TtM»4re. or other»i-<-, di; r »athendicated aud with the pro|.< r vou •— if any eil»t to the undorsiifn<d »it; - I montba from the date berv(<f or thcy » Le forever barred; and all persons ind i.f<-d the -aid dec«ased are n-iiu< ‘f t.. mediatu payment at the Otfice of f. K. K k ulia, Corncr of Qneen »nj N ;aru 3treet», Up-stair«. KAILI PETEL(> K VK<>! Adminiatrator «f the E»t»te of P Kakoi, (k) deeexīed. Honolulu, Sept II, 19‘d4. » ; t il-jw Yii)Ji) CHAX, F1ijb Farnighing Fine Tailnring Fine Ohineae and Ji{ianese H:*ndkerchief« Noa. 31 to 33 Nuuann St. H n • lulu, P.O. Boi 253. jy-3 J. H. TRUSCHLER, & nemakei' 130 Fori tSlree(. Jkpairng, neatly Done, uai *ole and heel witu pegs 1 aalf aole and heel &ewmi; $1.50 »n7 MKDEIR(<S k Co. Merchant XaUor« • reeils oa h . uaUtr