Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mr ,l * e 0*® er5 » 1 P- 3Agent ef tbe V leanoi HOU»e CoU»|MOV S»V» SOU)*,*lil!īig | ist goiug to h»pi>en to Mailane j Pele. He thiok3 she ha-heani‘ of o;ar Qaic : » S«le« and Saa»llj Pr ii; Poltcv »iul i' detenuiced* she aiil do someth.ng to get ep a b:gger sens-»tion. We are too bas_v to g > »nd >oe »hat is goiog on; so bere is a ehanee for you to go es our representative. You

are aware of the fact that even* i purcha>e ;nade at our store you| i%ceive a eheek. KEEP E\ ERY j ONE Tbe amooat of purchase, m:ikes u > d’.dereQce. On D*ceo»ber *2bth. [the tnoruing after Chrlstnius3 the man. womnn or cbiid bringing in the LARGEST j NUMBER CHECKS to the Store before 1*2 o’eloek noon receive a FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP TICKET to tbe VOLCANO. and a letter of iatro«luction to Mad-t ame Pele, as B F. EHLERS Ā* CO.’S. representative. This tick- . et gives you ehoiee of routes and; time for leaving. everv purcbase. great or small eutitiv> y.>u to a ehanee. Ils wurtb vvorking for. In the mean time, we are going to try and make things lively bt re. sales and Small Profits and plenty of new novel-l ties will oontinue to do it. The Mariposa eame just in time. We have been looking; forward witb pleasure to the ar- , rival t>f those DARK BLUE and BLACK LAWNS — very latest out; also SCOTCK GINGHAMS and COLORED DIM-| 1TIES. A full line of these goods. Special atteutĪQQ i« also called to our uew WHITE and RED BATISTESand magnificeut S1NGLE and DOUBLE WIDTH CRETONS—snitable for CqrtaiQS and Fnruitqre Covorings. Do you want to go the Yolcano ? B. F. EHLERS & C0.