Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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I CONSTITUTION and LAWS Framed bv the Missionaries W LAWS of the NAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 9 At all jury trials the j'?dge is tn deside a» to tbe aopliea* tion of the law. He is t> exp!ain the meaning of the law. That ia r.ot the departnoent of thejnry. Ifthe jnrr wiah to know the law, the judpe roay g : ve them infArroatfon and explain whatever is not clear. Tlie bii8in°ps of the jury sha!l be I to 1 st"ii t»thc teetirnony of the witnesse9 and search for the truth ■ m they h-ar, and the re9> , arch*'9 they make in the'r reflection3 on the purport of all th it corues to their know’edpe. they Ihink thenccus‘d per?on hna done what he \vas :>cc 9<d < f then Ihe j iry ehail 9<v. * The complaint is S ’St <?ned. the mnn is g"iity.” B..t f they nre in d <u >t, and think as they listen t > all the t»-9tiroony, th <t the man waa f<’9ely aee )9*-d. the jury shali theu siy “ the c<:mplnint is not siist «in«d. the man s •> t g i ! ry “ If they ar- agreed th*t tho ni «n s n t gui ty, the i th 't ;s t <e en l «»f the m:itter. But if they say the man isp ii!ty. the i the judpe ah.ill d clare the punishment «a he shall see is requ r d by the Ia.v. lf ue l>« in doubt on the subj-ct, he ro *y pott..one the dec sion for further consideration, and m..ke it knowu at such subsequent period as he shall ehooae. 10 If a man be tritd b f «re the j idges, or before a g >vernor if the rain c>ns d -r th .t unju-t sentence has beeu passed upon him, it sh.ill in th t c.ise be pr>ner f >r tbe man to appeal. He inuei however first p .y t!ie fi e t > the j idg» ii’ the puniahroe d be a fi ie, and ifat the new tri.»l the man becl»are-J, his in >ney sha'l be re*t r*d t*> hun with int rest. Rut if he were sente->od t» lab r <>r banisbroent, he ah «ll not be coni[>«lle<J t<> l <b.>r, or sail, b t m y wuil t <e result»>f h s apueal. Ho must h >w«-ver pursue th«* folt >wing e'iiM 1 *: Tne crirninal mnst find f »r hiins -!f a bouds uno, a nan . f pr>iperty. tbia ra >u of pr..perty mustgiw t« the j dg- a b >nJ r>f the f >lIowing imp rt: **1 herebv |>r.)iuise t-> be r «poneihle for .nd al the t uie for his trial in the iu >uth of 1 will deiivcr hiui t > the c>url. H d if he «b>coi ds. a< «J do not nppear be-for-*ithe c*>urt, then 1 will p«y to ihe j .dg«- tiie 9'im of dolhrs.” T ie nurobftrof <J >11 <rs me t»«>.n-d in the b >nd, ah»ll b * a līll e rnore than the fioe f *r the oAene- [ >r proportioned i., the cr me ] And when t <*• t u.e of trid arrives, if ihe crirainal do uot ippear bufore the e >urt, t len tho b «nd3 oan 1 shall p«v the ainouul ?|recifi d in the b) id. Butifhecan procnre no b.«nd9inan. then he sh.ll be cei>t iu i r son until Ihe tiiue • f lriaL 11 In tbe roonth of Jone f e«ch yeir th- 3upreroej idgee Bhall as3-m?>le at Honolulo. -rep.r«d t > try any ca9c9 whieh roay be appraled to t e u t» the req iurti«*D3 uf th« laws. Th«' s me al L h »ina in the in >nf » of Dec mber. Tnere gh.tll be tw aessi«ias *>f ihe eo .rt in e>ch ye>r. one t M mi. a d tbe ot*ier at Oahu. If any perso i pres ..t a cise f»r inal at aoy »ther tune, īt w .ll i 1 b>- tried. nnlil tue scr.beJ p>r v >d. And they will n I bri»-g a;«y o>se t» trial of whieh t iey «re n -t inf nn d >1 lr 9t o >** month pr-vi»us to the > se9s'on »f ihe e »• rt.