Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 ʻOkakopa 1894 — POUND MASTEH'S NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


♦ * — Notice Ī8 bereby given to all i p*'isons th;«t there »re at the Government Pouad a Makiki s nee tho first <*»y ofOct. 1894, 3 horses and a eow 1 bay mare witb a little white spot at the forehaead, branded J C on the * ’ left hind leg; 1 brown mare. no ■ brand on: 1 cn*am mare with a i [ bttle white apot at the forehead. All tbe fonr legs white Br«nded R on the !eft bmd leg; 1 r«nl oow * 1 n«i bmu«l. nght ear ch«>ped otf f t tbns A --Ai Anvptrsonor persons owning j thes- «niraa s are i«-qaesbdt *i eoiue aml t-«ke the saroe ou <t ; before 12 o’eloek noon Oct 13 1394, SATCRDAY. W*. K AAPA P**and Master. Makiki Oct. 1. 1894. cct 4