Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Edtto« Holoiwa: Iraperia! Ca-sar claiming des- ‘ ! rrnt of Ring» and tbe immorUl Oods, b rn aboat ne bnndred ye;»rs b f- re Ci.rist. «/.dier. poet, , rit r ied «cthor. has arrested . * n tbrongh tbe !c4 .tun s *“fhe corr.dors of even n w eeho witb his | trei:c ’ "ii : w r>!- By a -triking .! i - :.gn’»r ei i'.eMenee another » r found aml brilli«nt wieiderof . tii« pen <wouid il had beeo a '-.- r . ti.e l»er.tit.fc- f »!iosepore j 1 e.Engii>h nre d«ily . - au i g:v;ng pith and ut to tbe words tl»at we “bear | -e ;.l- »e Lavfe r.»ther "iliHU r! t<> others that we know not ■ f. A e>.reful cen-or of pnblic * .■ ra!s whose syste»u of eihie» r »L< g : ;»r»ce < f office seekers , i,d others is so admirably' ont ; _• ■ stic of a11 persoi.al seif seek ii g. I s »v, by a sirgular aod -triKing coincidence, another wnter of c!assic«l e!egance and ' pnri(y of style, to be f<>nud intl.e . d»tori »1 departiuei»t of tbe P. C. .( i ■/' • /•, inust li; >e been bnro - !»iewliere ubo:it 1945 yearsafter <!:(_■ imj nal and liteiary Co;sar. Slii 'ii!d any curious and uuob- -. i v »nt pcrson w«nt to know tbe wby and wherefore of what may •ieein so nnl kely an event as the <Pl ■_■ i ii.eo cf two such doiuin »nt ai. I masterful writers as the ! P<uilifex Muximus Pan^on^um’’ <! I tiic Pontif»*x M <xinins of the vt i v Cbristian Bepoblic of Hawaii. within the samo two thoaLsand years. let thera read caref»»l Iv, with u11 the p<owers of miiul G d h.-»s giver tlieui that literary ; gt*m headed “Priucess Kaiulani,” i>eiug one of the leaders of the P. <’. A U frti*er of tl»is date. Let tlu m mark well its tender feeling. it’s tonc!;ing allusiou to the sw.ot yoang peasant girl of l’rai.ee, aud. poudering o’er its profoundly pathetic prtseulment, f illiom, if they ean, tlie dept!is o; the editurial iniml, aud trace in the snbtle iutricacies thereof tlie ieas us for hope that “the s i :ip wiuds of revolution will uot visit her too ronghly ” Sweet \oung peasant girl of Francedhe raan born iu tho sarae two thons <lul yoars, the early days whieh knew tbe great C«?sar, grfc.-tsyou, ar.d hopes you will uot T>e blowed.” But the point wo mnst not lose sight of is, why two snch literary gianls as ImI perinl Co‘sar and the man of the l'. (' AdreHiser shouId have pl«yed their p»irts at so great a distunce t time t!»o one from the [ uther. Tho roason iuu<t l»e this, t:ie moderu man of the P. C. A. lms been gradually evo!ved by tbo siil>tle intiuences of natnral i polection, the Manpiia f Salis- ! burv .t O\ford. to the contrary : n »withstanding. f. r sucb raasters in anvcallmgareuoteasilv made. Ihis mo leni liter»ry cydop has hfcfcu slowly evo!vcd to let the wi iiil know in an impeeial maunor thut, the lady he spe.-;ks of as ' ‘an accomplished young womun wlu' will u<>t have a conspicuons pl.iee i«i Hawaiian history, may • bocome crowncd in tlie heartsof thfc }"opl.>' and that the ‘ Danes’ | will sce to it U»at she sh«Il uever i I sufler, nnd in the end fiud greater comfort «nd pleasure in life than if T.o littIecrown of Hnwaii vexed her youthful i>row“— L’nboonded umuifieenoe. What more conld Impen »! Co*sar desoeiul«nt of the gods, have proni!sod f : Oat. ool. Hk u «uumpei, Koiiano; AII vou , lu iiiiiml nn.Mi, ltkt 3<rtt l»cr powon Bn » K tl; !h. aml 61Um lrum hor <t ht«l, j Aud K>« 1 »h« roumi uave doirn tbo bill wheaveu I A» k>« a» to tbe ti. uJ$! . F<-r iu editor»l mind ibe P C. A. »pe»k» «ord> o» hiīih import. * Iifi- from »afferioK •*! tr*t, FVu »o »>» ot)J—“TtK.u »trumpet F..muK " ».-de. «nd lea>e to us tbe “IHne»" The o»oniUiag ot ihi» geatie h(e—Whov«! 1 he monniain iia* truly been in !abour ! For this the centuries, n.»y. t e unlohl snns of Ihe past h »ve been working, that the strangfc and sti kiag coiucideuce I ; of the times of the ci>ming of two gre;it men, might be aee >uutod for, aud when oao thing of tbe mighty foraes that have been at work t • bnug about such resulis, Wv>tidermt<ut is at its heigbt, asd iu a gk»wiug pass;ou oJ eutbuaiaem. Oar >ouis rt>ooguijo tbe liuih o( the words **fiuis coronat opua, ’ «cd even tbe iuomory «>f tbe gro<»i Gaaāar, tbe imperial one ofpag.aduui. its pontifex ro«iimus. palea m our u>;uds before i!ie etfalg.->it br;l!i:uicy of the iuai» of tūe P. C A. 1 aia. air, Your ol>ēdient t>ervaut Asti Ecups5. ' iiouoiulu, bopt £i,