Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — CONDENSED ABSURDITY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The C;-lifornin Prf», *'-h*u 1i*ed by lbe ol g4relij* t f Haw.ii | is «iway« fi **P ,ce bi out Ihe uioM idiot:c publkntū'DS j We publ.»l» Lelow a gt;>te»n« r»t I in r par<l to the V\ iileinaoo ii>>>~ j *iou wlneh ap|teartd in the *S >» | fnr\ci*coExnminer . duhiclitbe | t»as t.->k* a } >• -ure ii rej’rcdcctinp. We nced nr< • st>te to oi.r rej.d.r- <h»t tl» «fisertions eoi tained in t!ic arti- j ele are otf« rl\ pioutd!.Ks Tlie Qce. n I■s i > more ii<tcution ol j taking OOCK) froin tlie L nited ; States ti>an phe hn- < f tukinp ar 1 genic. The cati»-e <■( Liliuokuluni ( Ls the ennae cf lbe lluwaiiana. Justice nnd n< t iu. m y »iil Rfcttle j that canse. T i“ wh.tt the īm- , heeilo nud imnduei na scrib bltr of Ihe 1. ainfner sayg: It is sh>f>‘d on what app. ars t>be good antl ori»v that <!»• err .n« I ' of H. A W niem.mn < f Honolulu to tl»is country s f >r (he pnrj»os» ! of eomiuenein» a d»mago suit ag iiost the L nited S*«tes on behalf of tl»e e\-Qneen of Hawaii. | Tbe amount of d .ui»geK to be asked for -»»1 to bo ?200,000. and llie friends of the ex-Q een { declare that this (i \.'rtinu nt b.«s * Ina ii inalmiueni.il iu muicting i hor to fully th>»t aroonnt. Hei ' elaim is th.it tl.e Provision;. 1 j (iovernmout eonhl never liuw I heen established nrd herse!f ele posed lmd it not l»een for the nnwanantfcd actiou of a rec » • n uizt‘U «gent < f the L’nited States. tl»c Captnin of the v.aiship ]>ostou, whieh eelion nas sobse q iently f.irmally disavowed by the Presi(Knt. Whatfcver \fr. \\ idemann’s errand is, l»is departore from Hono lolu *vas kcpt a |<rof 'urid secret nut;l almust t l.o niurmnt of sailing. when h»‘ suddfcrdv appe in*d on llie dock m»d secured pnss«ge. Within a few days ho will g<> on to Washiupt< u. where he does not deny he has b’ siuess of im- I portance t<> tnms«ct. \\ hen s< on ».t tl»e Occidentnl Botel l«st evcning Mr. Wideuiann dectinod t<> be interviewed concerning his mission to Wash ingtoii, nmi when asked whetber ke wa» going to instilnte a dam nge suit on boli.tif f ex-qneen Liliuoki«!nni l»is nnsvcr wua that ' he had been accus.il i>{ that l»efore. Hisfellow pAsserg rs from tlie isl.»nds dec!are tbnt Mr. Wido- i manu’a crr«nd is as st«ted und j that lio ):as instructi<u»8 to g<> abont tlie ni<tter verv quittl} i aiul gaiu as 1 1 111 'iu wsp«por not- i oriotv «s nniv be.