Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HflWflirS “ BLUE" LAWS CON'STITUTIOX and LAffS Framed bv the Missiouaries w LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. I CHAFTEK XLVI. If the am"*unt of propertv iuvolv"d in a dispute exceed / a hundred dollars, ilahall be » >ttled ns follows, tho p!aiutitl - shall exbibit in writinf» a particubir accoant of tbo dispate and shall pay into t!io hauds of tbe j dge. the sum of ono buudred dol!ars. Oa de:naud of tlie dofendant there shall be given bira a copy of the eomplainl, an<l a legal jury sball be empannolled. At tho trial, the jury sh «11 decide who shall suffer tho loss of the hundvd dollars. Bat if the trial bs before the sapromo jndges, Ihen the appeiluni sha!l tirs pay t«vo bnndred dol arH, and the jury shall decide, who shall suffer the loss. 5 At all trials forcivil acti<>us the costa of court Hhall first be paid after whieh t'ue sentence of the jury shall bo execut *d. If the prnpeit>- be insufficiont, the paiiien ahall anffer that 1 oss tho expensts of the jury and court shall not bo left unsettled. G If a mm be tried f >r a crim nal off--nce, and he desire counsel, he may aeleel whom he please* t thougn he ean n<'t se!ect a man of bad charactcr, nor one »ho nses bud !angu* age nor a man dis.ipi>r >ved by Ihe ju<lgo. 7 if a witness eome forward uron th** trial of au importaul - case be shall not be alIowed to test:fy nntil he has taken his ■ oath for atlirm »tion J on the word nf God t> speak the whole troth with whieh he is acquaiut«d, after whieh hnmi)’ t-ati-fy to he knows. 8 At all conrts it sha!l be tlir duty of the judge to preside and keep ord*;r, and if nny one insuU the court or create dis-' order he raay be fl gged, eo fine«l in iroos or fined accarding as the judge shail perceive t-> be necess.»ry in order k> pre. serve the order of the eonrt. Thongh tbese ptinUhaients | sball not be inflicted by the iuferi*>r courts but merely by courts beld bafore the suprcjie j idg;s, or bef>»re the Gover* nors. lf the sccostd pers*m m.ike distnrbance. or ts? iuāul* ting or r vi!ing langu ig-*, the j *ige may io addition to the above asaign him a coanselIur, aud tben the trial sbail proc*r*d tho»gh thecrimioa! sbail be t*k-n away to another plaee, an<l tne o *uosel.or <>nly s i»li b; pero>itted t > rp«ak, tbr critoioai sh <11 not speit f >r b m?o f <»t all, and oo one except the eo in-ell >r.