Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSALVES Kc«p* 00 . t r. of lbc Vtnr Best Pioneep 8oap la of 4J„ 42. S0. *X) »a<i 7 THIS SOAP 1? rnK Finest Isportsd Hors, L SPE«. IAL PKU FS FOR ' •. , IN' LOTJ j:is. \m\ & mn Celebrated Brands of SCOTVH WlllSKEi BEN ALDOCHLA.\. Ainsley’s OLI) Blcnded Glcnlivet GLE ,N10N Extra, S;>ocia 6LENLI0N !SPECIAL LlOl'El'K SCOTCH WH1SKEY City - Carriag3 M’F’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. {[. BEjllī, Blacksmith Work Carrlaj2 Raīrlng | PAINTING : AND : TRIMM1NG īn all its Branch<>3, at Bed Rnck Prices, M;itual Telephone 382 Give us a Call and judg ; for yourself. jv23 ADMINISTRATION'S >: NOTICZ. THE DN'DERSIG'*ED bsving bc«* 1 du.’y appointed Adminisrrator of Ihe E«tair. Pkteio Kakoi. (k; late of Hooo ulu, < >a!;u decea?ed. Notice li« b»’ret.T given to ai credi'f>r<- t the deceasrd to prem*nt tbeir elaim» whef >r sccured by M.>rtcate, or otberwi'C d y autbendicated and with the projM-r vouchr:-. if any exi«t to thc under»lirm-d within - x months frcm the dafe h.'txof «r tb. v « te forever barred; and al! j>erTot)* indēbttd t > the said decvased are n qne»t to mnke immediate payment at the OlHee of J. K. oiULU, Comer of Qoeen aiul N’uuaiiii StrceU, Up-stair«. KAILI PETELO KAKOl Adroini#trator of tb» E*latc of Pf : Kakol, (k) ae. ca.- -d. Honolniu, Sept H, ls>>4, *«.pt n-3w. YJDK CHAN. OEAI.Ek IX Fiqe Fnpnishing E' ne Tailnrin» Fine Chinese and Jnpanese Hnn«ikerchief3 _Nos. 31 to 33 Nnuanu St. H nelulu, P.O. B.)x 233. i v 5 J. H. TRUSCULER, Oo°t & Hhoeinakei'. U0 F*srt Street. Hepainn", neatiy Done, balf so!e and h«*el w itb pegs, īl.UO. Half soie aad heel be«ving, § 1.50. ao7 MEDElRiJS Co. Merchant TaiIor« 4 Aiu«ricaa, Eaglish and Scotch T*ee»N on Ojiod. F.r»t-cLu« gnar»uue-i. aQt0r 00 H Jt “' Blo?« S. 1) C vKB, 1 3 aaa.