Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal T Hustace & Ou ( HAVE movei> to — Morgan*s - Auctlon - Rooms vr« *r«tai for * t» Departure Bay COAL CHARCX)AL, ALGEROBA KINPLINU WOOD in *ny qa»otitT Both lelephone* 4H mi6 POl N T D MASTEK S XOTICE. Notice » h<-rel>y giv«n to e» «e at Ute Gorernment I ki two stwyed hnU-., l owcs «« Sded Kon right hin.l leg 1 pmeo bnU and indisctioaole ou 7 “*• . .. \ nv p«rsou or persons owing lJ«!« l a ... Ame and Uhe on before 12 o’eloek noen, tjATl Ki)At, '■■■• ' ,w jaues KĪ'KON'A. Ponnd Master. ! Makiki, Aug. S0, IS1U. ang3S-iwdy | Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABUSHED ISS7. A. M. HELL1S, Proprietor, 513 Fort 3t„ nouolulu, (UpaUln) Good Fit CONSOLIDATED SODA WATEK CO. (LlMITT£I».) ESPL A N'AD E : Cor. Allen aud For.SU. ; : Ilonolalu IIOLLlSTER & CO„ Agcni«. F0R 8ALE. K FLSE “ MIDNIOHT ” ST ‘V LLI °? »lt belonging to P. D. I|ientarg. The eoU ean be seen at the PANTEEOS STABLE from to-morrow. “• The VVhite Housc! 118 N uuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- » First-cla?g. I(oomin3 }lonSe IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooids !roi $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet. or 50o. per DayPAUL LEIIKK PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephor.e 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Visitors. Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC ! v i At SM[THs Bjs and Livery Stable, Kixg Street. [Adjoir.ing MetropoUtan Meat Market.] ls the tbe.’.pest Plaee in Town yoa ean get BuBsea, Wagoneties, Bnggi«s and baddie Hors«. It wUI pay yott to c»U and see before yoa try elsewfaere. , Muiual Telephone 408 angl-tf p(^J.T Etc.. * Corntr Kia< *bJ AUkea S.rvet». CaiiiariDos Refrigemtors i Ev«ry Sicamer fr o® Fr»neiaeo, wiu» Fresh Fruit, Oysfers, Salmon, Pou/try, I Etc.. Etc„ 0. V|~; v . |