Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
i7- insi:haxci:,^i fire and mapine IHE »'SDKBSIGN’ED IS acthorizjsd T0 T KK FIEE am> MaKINE RISKS ON Buildiii2:s, Merchandise, Hulls- Car2oes, and Commissions AtC’unvnt Rati'S, iu tlie >llowiug Cos. nasiely: BOYAL IXSURANCE COMPANY, LIVER?OOL. ALLL\NCE ASSURANCk FiKE Ā: MAlilNE, LONOON, WILHEi MA •'K MADGEBl P»G GENEli \L INSL'RANCE CO. SCN INSURANCK COMPANV, £AN FHANCJSCO. .1. S. WAI ,JLvKR, £jff“Agent for the Hawaiian Ialands. ”qri>way Rolrinsoii Bloc1c, Hotel St., helween Fort and Nnuanu, Hav Just IlcceA(d. ]er 1 ste Airiv8’s. - 11 e ) nptsT Slcck cf FUR N1TURE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom iets In tSoli< 1 Oiilī. anJoi the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECTAL ATTENT10N 18 CALLED T0 T!1ES£ SETS: WICKER 13 aut ful Des : gns of TV r icker Ware, consist ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, HOCKERS, ltc.,vou ean get these in any FINISH yoa desire. CHAIRS, Countless numb rs of CHAIRS, in evory stvle, inc)udiug OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. tables, We buve lmd a nr ;nber of calis for lbeso Tables, with C'HAIRS to matcb. We bave now in stock tbe most BEfiUTiFUL D4NING RQ0M FURH1TURE EŪEll SEEN HEliE. ,, ( Sideboards and -:- ChifFonier» oDI A TA. 3NT Divans covered v. itb PORTIEKS are becomiug qnite the rage in plaeo of LOUN(.JES— wo manafacturo tbem to m*der, and bave a buge stock of P01V1TERS to sobct from. BEDDIITC-. Gro .t Assortnu nt. fWOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, M oss. Wool ai,d Si;a\v Mattres-os on band and raade to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS !ind S1LK FLOSS for Piliows. CTill3S. CKADLES. etc. W1ND0W 8HADES of all colors aud siz s. COEMCE POI.ES, iu \yood or brtss trimmings. IEI Mattri">os, I. n:i. ; > ud ail Upbolstered Furuiture repaired at n asonabie ntes. CAB1NET MAKINO, iu ull its braucbes, by Co«npet6nt Workmen. MATT1NG I A1D . ui lut rior Decor;iti!;g iiiulor tbe Supervision of Mr. GE0KGE ORDWAV. Our Go* .i> •;e F rst CT ss, and onr prices are t. e lowest Come and be cmvinced —a trial is s >licited. Bell ō‘J5. telepho.\es; Mutuai G45. . C)KDW vY A l’OK'PEK. Robiuson 13lock. betweeu Fort and Nunauu Teu!*hones: Bell 351 JMutual 417 Eeside\c£; Mutual 410 P. 0. Box 117 F,. B. THOMAS, rt I v i 4 > :1. m i f * C0NTRAGT0R and BUiLDER Esdimates Given ou AIl Ivinds op n liN, n i Wl£\ UIK AU K;nds of Jobbing in the Building Trade 4 Attended to. KJEEPS FOR BALE: £itck, Lune, Ccm6nt, Iron Stone Pipe aud Fittings, 01d A Ntw Corrngated lron, Minion .Tileg, Qnarry Ti'es, &ssorted sites «nd colors; Califoicta nnd Monterey Sacd, Granite Cnrbing and £locks, eTc., etc. !Corner King dt Sm;th Su. Ofecc Hours, b lo 12 M.. M.