Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Tlie funeral of Mrs. Cooper took pl;»ce tbis «{iemoon, frora St. Amlrew’s Catl»eilral. Tue »bsence <>f Jm1ge Cooper, tbe son of tlie ilece!is«-il, iieleleil to the sndness of the death of the lady, who had ruade ra;my frieuds in tlie eouiiiMin ty of Honolulu.
ffAW/\l l\N OpĒE^\4©tlSi L. J. LEVEV Lespee \V. R. DAILEY.. Mauager Second Season of Dailey Stock Co.. under the pers >nal direction of W. II. Dailey. Thursday, October 4, _ R Wife’s Devotioii. Saturday, Oetober P, Augustein D.ūlev Celebrated Coinedy A NlfiHT OFF!
Door» open t 7:30. Curtain vr; 1 rise .-«t 8 ** c oc*i pnnopi. B<>x p’an wi : i open at the office of L. J Levey fur tiie • peumg nis;lit on MoikI y, Sept- 21, at 9 a. M. s* 22 td REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Houses to reut «nd for mU. R nt« eolleele I, convey*ncing iu all ils br*uc'ies attende*l to witb prou>ptiKSs »:d d«»p leh. Hoaoilu Kf.\L E*tate AoE^ei. 103 Fort St. 8AM TEE HOP, ! Xo. 5ōl King Slreet, De*ler in i Califor«ia aud H «w.uian KmiU aud V*g«t Guuva Jv«*y, Xe«!aud Gr*uud Codbc. C g*rs vto 1 »»