Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — The Conspiracy Case. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Conspiracy Case.

T»ie C i>e ag«inst E Spalding, Henry D.ivi-., W. M Giif«rd and otbers \v;;s called tbis morning in tbe poliee eomi. Mr. A. P. Peterson «ssisted tbe prosecution and Mr. W. A. Kiuney appeared f.<r the defense. Tlie case is ins!ituled by '»ir W. M. Cunningbim, because tbe defendsnts filed a prot> st witb Minister King in reg>ird to the issuance of o o a sbooting liceuse to the eomplainant.| The e ise is nnder adviseraent nud the judg>* will give, his decision toraorrow. Mr. Giff u*d \vas dise »rg‘d ns the governraent entered a pro9egui ‘nn account \of bis connections wltb the Frencb I.egation.