Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A STRONG PLAY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Thur*day s Bdl with a Pantaatic Danc^. ‘ A Wif./s Devotion i» an eiceedtnglv strong melo-drama of the preaent d«v, and abnnds in biglily exeitii!g cliroaxes while tbe comedy, intorpreted by one Solomon ls*ao. a tricky bebrew, j wbo finally repents hia evil w*ys, ■ is higbly amosing. Tbe abdoc-ti-vn of the infant cbild. the attempled mnrder by drowning tbe b!iud UiOtber aud again by B a pi>tol are all well modnlated and woveu in and added to this strong dramatic series. Miss Mollie Btockmeyer, tbe danseu»e will intrtHluce a terpsichorian fantistic, that is, a m»rvel of beanty botb in dress and action. Tbe stoady seas >n will eommenee oa Thursday and the regnlar large and f iSuionable auJiences will be iu attendance. a