Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
i j September 17,1894. If we remetnber corroctly the ! “ChHrlesron" wss the first of the i i 5 ‘White 8qaadron’’ to visit Hono- • luln. Her arrival on her second I cruise is still in the minds of people who were here on January ' •29. K91. When with flags at hilf-mast nnd yards cock-bailt she entered port with the body 'of King Kalakana, the kind attentions āhown by the officere to the King dnr ng the voyage to the United States and the. almost sacred marner in whieh the body was gnarded wh : le be:ng borne to the Ulands, endeared tbe “Charleston” to the people iof Hawaii. As mueh as it was in J the pow-r of the people, their 1 appreciation was shown to the officers Jnring their stay and : when sa>Ied they left graven on ! t >blets of love and metnorv, evidences of their Aloha for Ha- 1 wa.i. Few, if anv, of the officers ! who were bere then are on the vessel now; some have reached the age of retirement and others have goae to other vessels but the Cbarleston is still green in | the heart of the Hawaiians. i Have yoo eva' nsed a Pansy St>ve? We have tbeen selling them for foor or five years and :to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in the erapire of stoves. They are recoguized by every oue, eveu dealers in other stoves, as a snperior article and one whieh tbey do not care to run up against. 0f course stoves may be bonght from people who nre not dealera. We have poople j running here every day or two j for fire bricks and parts belong-; ing to stoves they have bought from other parties, and when | tbey find they cannot get them they discard their stoves and bny a ‘Tansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in buylng dear > things at low pnces. Come to us and get a Pansy at $15 00 and ! you get full valae for your money. You don’t get a $75.001 rauge for fifteen dollurs, mind you, but you get a first class ; stove that is worth Thirty tfbllare to any oue Our Keady Mited Paints are j 8t>ited to tbe wants of people who have a little pa:nting they want to do tbemselves. The advant- ' age in buying u prepnred paini is tbat vou have the benefit of tbo best mixers in the United !States withont baving to pay for I it. The paint is ready for nse directly you take tbe top off tbe ean aud if you don’t find it eheap er and better than any you ean mix you;self we are miaiaken in our experience - lu California the painters are nsiug the prepared article in preference to buying Iead and oils bec inae tbey find it to tbeir advantage todoso. We believe it ia only a question of time when the painters here wiil fall into line. Hanging lamps ate in as great demand now as ever. People seera to want somethwg for ligbting parpoaes th *t «111 give aa good ligbt as the aoo—they fiod it in tbe lamps *e are giving aw*y. Oor eheap stand lampe are an excellent thing fot a aervanto room and will find.a ready sale in the IaUpd storeo. Weea s supply anr damaad. lor a singie lamp or lor a tboaaaad. There’s loto ol Hawaiiana whoee Kuleaeae n«ed fanmag and we hav» tbe wire with whiah to do ii Wt kaeaaloo tbe natexial for buUdinf * leaoe tbat will laat untU loog af|artfae millaniom. IWM at pajrlnc a pcwta* oreren getling ihem for tL«ioatting. yoar lennowlloMl jog lapa oiooap il &adm*Jre a bqakadf«ofo. Wa. b«ra in Oiehaeipapa niabing good» liaa ym wkk. And we eonii in veatiga4ian aa to taeir qnalītj aad prioe&