Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — A Reward. [ARTICLE]

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A Reward.

John Akina, one of tho best * officers in the j>olice dej>artraent, | was made the huppy recij>ieut o{ j j a scarf-piu tbis morniug. The j | officer fomu1 tho door of C. Hara- : ; raer’s shop is un1ocked Iast uight , ) aud kept an eve on the premises. ! Mr. Harauier, who might have heen out and injnred if any intnuler shoald have eutered his ; premises expressed his tbanks i this morning by j>resenting j Akiua with the meraorial, whieh will act as an eucourngement to all oflicers who keep thoir eves oj>ened. ■