Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — CORRESPONDENEC. [ARTICLE]
Editob Holohua: The public attentidti hae been drawn rei«*tediy in yoor paper |to tbe rotten way in whieh tbe service ot the rnounted poliee i® conducted, Capt Klename of this force, inste.id of attending to h s duty. finds it more amoāiog to establisb so called politicv! clob«, j the cbief aim of whieh seems to con»ist <n drinking enorraons j quantitie« of Lagerbeer. Tbe : raen of b s force are compelIed to i jo n <rlose their job». Incredi- ; ble but true! One of his best men. if not hia best man, Mr. Hicbard Ludloff. basb?en “fired” | to dvy. siroply becaose he prefered to do bi« duty in-tead of jo ning the new Sch<ietzen Rifle Company. Besides Mr Ludloff is not a beer drinker and of coorse tbis is another point whieh helpa o brau<l him as a black sbeep in the eyes of the Captain. In a lown like Honoluln. where tbe Missionary elenjent is so -trange y represented, a man bke 1 Mr. Ludloff ougbt to be bighly ( apprec ate l anel instead of baiug d sinissed he onght to have been proraoted. Tbe Marsbal knows /ill ubout this detestable affair, ; he a!so knows that the head , quarter.s of the Gftllant Captain «rt< in the bar-room of a certain Saloou in King street where he ean be found aim< st every night he also knows that the mounted < poliee, instead of att i, nding to ; their duty, for whieh the j tax-payers pay thera, visit those meetings, for whieh tbo taxpayers dou't pay tbem! And tbere have been as manv as three meetings in a week, where the be«r was flowing like water. Like water ? you nsk perhaps. Yes, like wnterand tbe fools who liave to pay for it are very likely tbo poor ignomnt men who bave to pay $5 iuiiialion fee, and get the promise from thocaptain th:it he will obtaiu them employment. Aro Captain Klemnie’a superior o!bcers aware of this employment agencj',;or are thoref«>ther reasons that they shut their eyes and allow this man to do «s ho pleases? V Chila<V .