Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — STABLE GOVERNMENT? [ARTICLE]

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' Tho praciice of shooting at the j targ»'ts hy the raiiitarv force | shouht be kopt up Asi«Jo from Iho sovoral advautages of tlie practice, it lias a m»»st whoIesorae j ctfect, ns an ‘ , objoct lesson,” iu theso days. Probably few appreciate its iraport.-inco as au ngoQcy for preserving the peaee. Thc reconls of ihe shots soon j bccomes krowu lo others than 1 thoso who supj»ort the l{ej>ublic. j — V. Adt'rriiatr. The in oue eolumn is j>raisiug the j>r>'seut govem- j meut, as boiug a siible aud solid i adraiuistratiou. In another oolumn it invitet> Siuall farmers j and caj>italists to eome hero and invest their s;ivinpjs in cotfoe lands aud eleoiric roads. and in another plaee it g cs into a hysteric»l dulight, because the mornarchy of Hawaii has heen crushod and true liberty with a big-L.. bas foond iU wav to tbe Paradise of the PaeHie. Under such circumstances it is rather j>*ralyzing to read tho editorial published ab *ve. It seems from that. that the rifie is the basis of this stib)e !) republic f!!) aod j>opular (!!!) gOTcxnujeut and tbat target j pneiiee is the most desirmble virtue of a citizen. The edit»r of the Adv,rii*er may be clever aud he may not be •u ”old womm” as it haa beec claimed, but Le certain!y laeke diacretton and taut An editorial •s the one we rcfer to. publiabed ln an <>fficial j >urfnl, ean only give ■ ono idea abroad, and tbat is. that the repubhe of Hawaii exisU on ihe point of ihe bavonet. And ’ that ii»u’t a v«ry uieo uiua o: lif, lAric’s ktmb.