Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — ORGANIZE! [ARTICLE]

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lt i» difficolt to to<lay how the {K)litical »»itafttion in Hawnii j reallv is. Tbe Ropporter* of tbe ' repnblic are split op in diflerent factions, bnt all nre determin»-d j to bftve « voice in the afiairs of I tbe countn'. Tbe HO-called roy al ists are like a scattofed flock of sbtep. listening to tbe eall of any ra:n %*bo eome» along. j Tbeir so c.illed lenders gr»sp at l ever\ >tr-iw tbat eomea io tbeir way, and tbey prcfer to listen to j everv etranger wbo for selfi.sb | pnrposes hnnior thern than to go into straipbt polilieal ; with tbe men wbo were arooiAl j on the 17th of Janoary, 1893. The failacy of soch policy has been fully dexnonstrated witbin the lftrt few days. The alleged “le«dera‘’ find themselve8 do frauded and nnahlo to fuce the storm of i: dignation whieh arise i from tho eompael tnassea of the ! opposition. Their plans and j programmcs; their propositions j aml schemes nre kn<>wn to the government through the confi- i deuco whieh tbey ili—adviselv I • - I placed in broken down scrubs f , j drifte<l <m to the.se shore.s Wo now addre8B ourselves to I the frcc and in<lepcmlent citizens of Hawaii. To tho men of all J races and blood, who helieve in government for and ofthe people. Let them drop all retrogressivo i<lens. Let tbem eome forwnrd as a solid oppositi- u to the pres«*nt oligarchy. Let tbera cease to listen to t!ie falso and fraudulent Htatement' emimting from tlia foolisb or corrupt advisers who ' proy on ‘ head qiiarlers.” And i le*. them orgau ze and eome out iu a solid phalanK agaiust the government whieh now plaeea tho yoko < f thraldom on the neek of Hawaii. Hul let it be <lono hy the men j of Hawaii. D » not listen tothepromises aiui the deceiv»ng scheraes of the stranger. Go with the kamnainas who luve Haw.ūi aud make an honost, peacoful aud solid orginiz<tion and the politi- j eal fulure of Hawaii will bo bright nud the oligarchy doomed. Orgunize without delay and decide to “ fight or vote *’