Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE CARTWRICHT ot a Fidc(i*rr Xaiare Tn&sjrt«L| Protnpt »tteatk>n girea to the flf G *» <rli 1 UsLlp4, TTTl«tS. de., etc., etf. Ojfic**, : C<\ BuiUiiny,\ Mmiiinl Strt*t. Hooolaia H. MAY & Co., I Tea Dealers, Goffee i Roasters ANI) Provision Mercliants 9*.! ort Swwi. - iiouolule Famil»es, Piantations and Ships snpplied with choicest Euwpean & American Groc*rie* Ctliforoia Pr«xluce by Even’ St<j!imer. Mercliant Kxchan^e Corner King aua Nuuanu Streets. S. I. SHAW....Proprietor. Tbe Fiuest se’ection of LIQJORS and BEKR, sold anywhere in the town. First-class attondauce. Call and jndge for yourse!f. uo ll.Vtf. LEWIS & C0.. Wholesaie snd Retaii Gro A.\'D PKO\TS£ON DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8m Francisco 8tearner. S.vlt Salmox ix Baruels a Specialty. iii Fort S/., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Pox 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclneniy Block. # JOBBERS 0F WINE8, and SPIRITS KENULUN, PHOTOGRAPHER. N'uuanu »nd Pauahi Strcets. Cabiuets #3.50 Per I)ozen. “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozeu, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Drp Gootls and Ohineae Silks. j.ri3 Kahului, JA. aui. Sv* Sih<;, propriatob. »ft 7-tf Empire Saloon, I : . i JAMES OLDS, PsorunoE: pine Wliies f Liquo?s. Beei alwas ox haxd. Coraer,Xuaata oad BoUl S»tu 8U. FM Ofico Box Wi