Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFARLANE A C0. DfaJers in Wim* and Spirit.i Kjuhnnuuia Sire«t. Honolaln. H. E. McINTYP.E * BRO. G«oceby, Feed Stobe A Bakebt. ( Corner of Kiug an<l Fort St*., Honolala J. PHILL1P8, PR.\CT1CAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTEB y JOPPEB-SMITH, House aml Sbip Job lVork Promptly Eiecuted. No. 71 King Street. Honolul 1. 1)k. MeLENNAN, Fort Stre«t, alx>ve Uotel. Mutunl TeIephone 6S2. f<»r olHee; * 287 lbr residence. jy28 i:d. e uowe. House Sign and OinamenUū • Painter. M:inufaclure of Liquid S!aling. G20 King Street. augl
LEWIS J. LEVEY, Ueiil Estate and Heneml Auctioneer. Ooruer,Fort and Qnecn Streets. Houolala Personal attention given to Sales of Farnilure, Real Estate. Stock anJ Gonera! Mercbamlise. \Intua1 T«'.lenboue 2.1S “FAT BOY.” 8AL00N ! P. McINERNT, Proprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cor.ver Betufx and Uotc!. Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory SBKt IPw SO£ AV. \V. \VR1GHT, Prop!iietok, (Successor to G. \Ve»t). PaRKIAGE BL’ILDING anii uepaikino. V AU OrJers front the Other Isiands in the Carria(fe Building. Trimming and Painting I Line »ill Meet with Prompt Attcntion. Blacksmitbiiiir in All Its V»ri..us Branchcs Done P. O. Box 321. Nos. 128 and 130 1 Fort Street. W. S.LUCE Wine and Sr>irit Merchant CampbeU Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLm.U. 71 :BOTH TELEPHONES: 71 -CONSOLIDATEDSODA WATER -:- WORKS -:• CO. (LiMrrTKD.) *
Anchor-:-8aloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Auother Invoice of the W orld Kenowned FREOERICKSBURG UGER BEER On draught and by tbe Also. as a Specialty, Small Frlsh Caufornia 0YSTERS. FOR COCKTAlLS mayl 3ms SOTIC'K. uapoundtnl or ahol. lestai wai sixg kee. Hy »oioio. aog. 29 I«w. «« rai Wo Wlng Kee Co. •* NUUANl* STRKKT Peilew io UUie*’ * B ' oU aQ d Shoeo m»de to ord«rr. _ Iy9 PODwr»T