Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLOMU^, li* PrBLI9HED Kverv Aflernoon FX< EPT HUXDAI BY THE Holoaua Publishiag Co. At l\ing St. t'Fboiras biock), llouolulo, H. 1. per 5£ortiL 5C Tbf t« • ' i» <MhdW) By Cnrrien> in Ihe (ii.i -nbnrbs. 8inele Oopiea lor 9ale t . Ul , De*lens a;»fl at tue <>ffioe of pnlhc«»i< , nELUUHO N0RRIE. • - Editor P, M. ROONEY. - - Manager NOTICE. i 11 p,ar.iue«e ('omniuulcations nhould be acilrewie<l to P. M. KOONL\, UonoInlu, U. I. * v<rTeM><*u(it-nce and CotutuunicaUons lor , ūblication nhouW be addretwed to the Editor Hawaii Holomna. Xo noiiee will be paid to unr an<<nymouR oommuuicationR.

33usin.ess Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attovney atul Connselor at Luw, Oiliee, Sito of the 01d Bethel—\Vest Corner of King and Bethel Streots. jv >21 A, P. PETERSON. ATTOUNEY AT LAW. 0«ce: 113 Kaahumann Street, lionolnln Hawaiian Islamls. CHARLES CREIGHTON/ attornei at law. Office: 113 Kaahumanu Eln'el, Honoluln Ilawaiiau lalanela. PAUL NEUMANN. attorxey at law. • 314 Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENC£ W. ASI1F0RD, attornev and cocnsellor at LAW. Offioe. 01d Capitol Building. (Honoluln UaW), a<ijoining l’ost Office, Uonoluln.l A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, So. 15 Eaahumanu St., Honoluln, Uawiiiian Islands. H. F. J3ERTELMANN, <X)NTRACTOR AND BUILDEK,‘ 8<> King St., Bell Telephoue 10<. F. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOR axd BCH n ER, 5o. 506 King Street, Houolulu. Hawaiian Islands.

WILLIAM FOSTKR, ATORNET AT-i-AW & NOTART Pl’BLIC. Honolulu. H. I., 13 Kaahumanu Street. jy24 A. G. CORREA, HrATTORNET AT LAW,_J3 Merch*nt Stroet, Honolulu. j.v33 Femandes & Gomes WHOLE5ALK California Wlnes and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St., Honoiulo, H. 1. 'P 0. Box 436. Muiual Tele. 140. CpiNEgE CHRRI«6E C0MPASY, 333 Both TklkpHose8 335 haek Sland. Corner Kiog aud Maunakea Streete. Haeka at All Houm. jy27 “3TOHAN,” |MPORTElt ud LKALEli IS GESEBAl J H«rTcL*ndue Excla«ively o l tfa&o2aotai«-WUOLESALE * RETA1L 3M|u>d 906 FortfitmL *' O.By Xk U» < Tote, UT2. jyll