Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GOKS A L VES K'-i»* ob Ha>,! .1 > of U>e Vtnr Best Pioeeer Soap lu l»'J of 40,, t>. iO, »V> au > : T!1I5 SOAP I> :■ v Finest Ioported Ee:e, tSPECI.\L PRICES FuK , A? ., IX LOI;. m aph 4 nifs Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH W111SREY Xamt!u: BHN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsleys 0LD Blended GIenlivet GLK ,M0N Eitia. S|H- t -u GLENLI0N SPECIAL LIOl'Hl R SC0TCI1 W H1SKEY lj2S City - Carriag3 Mf ! Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KIXG STREET D. M^na^h B!acksmith Work | Carriaga R>p3iring PAIXTING : AX’D : TRIMMlN(i īn all it* Branch* s, at Hed Kuek Prices. M;itual Telephone oS2 Give us a Culi and jmlj> for yourself. jy23 ADMINISTRATION’S >; NCTICI. THE CXDER.SIG'*ED i y appoinle*} Adtnini*trator of Ih>- E- p • Pet«io Kakoi. (k) late of Iloin. ui i. 1; !..i dece**ed. Xoticc i» eiven tn m i> : • : the decea.*ed to prtsn-iit th*ir < ii n:- r secured by M>>rtnire. or u(h. r» —d ir autbeudlcated and with the prop<-r \ if any exi*t to the wi’ i moiitta.« frcra ttac dat<- ber*'of nr th> «. t foreve.-barred; aml all p*>r-..n- :>.!■ ' * d > the »aid dec*.a#.jd are rt-qu.«f t<• n -■ m■ me*liate pavraent af the < »rH. ■ t I. K. Kaulia, Comer of Queen an..l X ina Streets, Up-s*tair«. K.ULI PETELO KAK<»I Admini»trator of ihe E»fat f !Vt > Kakoi, (k) deeeased. Uonolalu, 8ept II, 1SIM. -. pt Ii-jw YJ*)J±) CHAN, 1>EA1 EU IX flj8n’g Fiqe FaPni$hing E}oo:!$ Kine Tailortn^ Kine Chine«e and Japanese H;»ndkerchiefd Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. Houo* lulu, P.O. Box 253. jyo J. H. TRUSCHLEK, Boot &; Hlioeinakei*. 130 Fvr!*Street. Repairing, neatly Dono, fhaif sole aml heel witb pe*»s, Ī1 1 D. Half soJe aml heel Eewiui», S1.50. au7 MEDEIROS Co. Merchant TailorK* , Engliah »Bd : Tweeds on haud. w»>rk guart St., qu lerj Arlic