Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal T havk moveh to — Morgan*s - Auction - Room» for * »l:otiuJ<- We *re»i :1: Departure Bay C0AL ■ CHARC0AL, ATGER0bA *nd kindling \V00D . ln suit qu»oti»T. Both Telephonrt 414 * U POrXD MASTERS X0TICE. Xotico is b.«l.T -iven to all P^ U ' that hen' u« at the Government Poaml st Ma;iki two strayed bulls. I hluek b« jrnmle<l Ron right hind *eg. 1 pmeo bnll iraml indiscrioable ou 7 '“"»• . .. \nv persou or persons owtng these bull> uv rvqueste,l to eome and U» same on ,r l>efore 12 eeloek noen, tv\Tl RI>A», ,5> ,N * 4 JAMHS KUKONA. Found Master. Mukiki, Aug. il), ISW. ang.‘W-l'»dy Pioneer Shirt Factory ‘ ESTABUS11ED 1SS7. | A. M. MELLIS. Proprietor, 518 Fort St„ Honolulu, (Up«tairs) Good Flt CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER C0. (LtMITTED.) E S 1’ 1. A N A I) K : <’or. Allen and ForI St». : : Ilonolulu 110LL1STEK * C0„ Ageut«. FOR SALE, l FIXE “ MIDXIGHT ” STALLIOX t belonging tu P. D. Isenberg. Tbe oolt 1be seen at tbe PAXTHE(A STAI?LE ra to-morrow. “• The White House! 118 N uuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN 1SLANDS A Fir?l-cl8?s jlouae IN EVERY RESP1XT. Eoom troi $1-50 lo $3.00 per Weel. | or 50c. oer DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephonc 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO 3isiters. Pleeie ParDes, Lnais - ~ —AXD — J GEXERAL PUBLIC! At Sxith‘s B:;.s aso Ltvsrv StABLE, KlNO STHEfcT. [Adjoir.ing Metrcpobtau Meat Market.} ls the Cbeapest Plaee in Tuwn you ean get 1 Bu3ses, Wagoneties, Buggies and Saddle Horses. It will pay you to eall and see before yon try elsewhere. Mutual Telephone 408 angl-tf v FldiT MvtJ«Tr Etc., Coroer King and Alaken 8trevts £ Camarino’s RefrigeratoiN I By Every 3ceamer from San Tr»neieeo, witb Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Etc S2imon. Pou/try, Stc, Etc., Etc. B