Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rr INHLTRANC !•:,-€* FIRE AND MAPINE THK ' M>KI»SKiXrD i> Af’T !•• T* KK FIRK aM' MaRL\! RISKs ON iiuildins»s« Merchandise, Hulls. Car2:oes, and Commissio? is At ( urr»‘iit Uatos. in tho Fdllowing l’os. >amei.y: UOY.\L INSURANCE COMI*ANY. LIV1RP00L. ■\LLIANCE ASSCRANCK F1RE A* MAKINK, LONDON, WILHE! MA 0F MAlMiKHMl'i OENGR\L 1NSL’RANCE CO. ,-t'N INSL'RANCK CU.MPA.NY. FKANCISCO. .1. S. WAI ,KER, \gt»nt F>r the Hawaiian Islands. f ORPWAY & PORTEK. Robimou Woel', Jfotel St. heiieeen Fort and Nwaiuh, Hhv,- Just l’tco:vu1, In 1 An.w ll ' ; 11 j ?t 1 1» 1 1 < 1 fLK MTURE Ever lmj orte»l to t!ii- C< untry, Comprisiug Handsome Carved Bedrcom dets I n Soli«l OnU. ond o/ thc l.A TESTDT.SIGAS. ESPECIAL A1TENTI0N 18 CALLED T0 THBSE SETS: WICKER WARB, Beaut ful Des gas »>f Wie'» r Ware, consist>ng of SOFAS, CHA1KS, KOCKERS, etc.,you ean get +hese in any FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Coautless numbers of CHAIKS. in everv style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIBS. TABLES, \Ye have had a nu»uber of calls for theso Tab!es, with CHA1RS t«> matcb. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL D]NING ROOM FURNITURE e\\k SEEN EEKE. f Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers r?DI \TA. DūT «3. Divaus covere»l witb POKTIERS are becon»iiig quite Ihe rnge iu plnee of LOL'NGES -we mauufacturc t;.e»n to or»ler, «nd have a laige sto»-k of POKTI EKS to sel ct from. b es id :d 1 o-. Gre t Assoitment of WO\ EN W IKE A1ATTKESSES—S}>rmg, Hair, M oss, Wool au»l Straw Mattre.sses on hand aud iuade to or»ler. 11VE GEESK FEATHEKS ,nd SILK FLOSS for Pil!ows CK1BS, CKADLE8, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colurs and siz s. C0KN1CE POi.ES, in »vood or br»ss triiinainus. P e b :ei2sno-. Mattresses, Lounges ..ud all l ]>holstere<! F«ruiture vej>aired at reu.so«able n.tes. CAB1NET MAKING, iu ali its brnnches, by C<>mpetent Wurkmen. MATTING LAIL» -nd Int rior L>ecor.ti g umUu- the Suj>eivision of Mr. GEOKGE OKLWAi Our (u>fKls nre F rst C1 ss, aud <ur piices are ti <• lowest Como and be e- uvinced —a tri;d is s<>licited. Bell 52ō. TELEPHONEs; Mutuai (>46. ORDWAY «k PORTEK. K<>biusou Block. betw»>en Fort aml Nuuann Tei.kphones: Bcll 351 JMutual 417 Kksidenoe; Mutual 410 r. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER l&*timates Griveu on A.I1 Kinds OF BRIEk: ĪR0N, ST0NE 4 WOOŪKN BlllDIN(B All Kinds of Jobbing in ihe Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SAI.E: Bhck, Luue, Cemeut, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittiugs, 01d «k Ntw Corrugateil lron. Miuton<Tilee, Qaarry Ti!es, assorte<l s tm «nd colore; <N»iifoiniA «nd Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Biocks, etc.. etc. jCorncr King Smith St*. 0FFICE YARD: • Office Hours, bto n M., ( >>c4 P M.