Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A SCOND SUCCESS. [ARTICLE]
» A Donble Bill Pla> by the Dailey Company. CoBsidering the count«r attractions and a proverb;aIly bad n ght Dailey’s p!ayers appeared before a good s:zed «u iienee last eveulng and Fncct.-dod in Je!ighting their auduors to the superlative > degree. Tho curlain rcse and a | l>eiutiful g»rden scene showed Mr. Saow and Miss Xannary as ' Komeo and Jul iet. The seleotion was short anJ artistic; the deliv-$ erv articu!ation an>l repose perfect an<l wr*n de-.erve>l applanse. , The three act co!uedy *The Player, a revision <*f the famons David ■ OarrioK fol!> wed ar.J it was a snccession of dramatic surprises, one noomen( admiring beautifnl pa<«i .ge3 and the ne\t plunged into hearty langhter There were severd cccasions when the action seemed hnrried, but jt wA trivial 1 as the inter. <t w.»s n<per per- i raitted to 1 »y. M <rti:ner Suow reallv snrpassed himself and the | expectations of his most ardent i admircs. fli< Gust »v j Ijr<>ok • . was verv cl«verly acted an<l re- , ceived a nierited e »11 in the < secon*l pct. M s-; L)algleish j>layed Ada »vith pleasi g efiect, i jliu comedy i>y p!ay being deliv- ! ere<l with a chirming finesse. ! Mr. Nannarv was a dignified ■ looki:ig Mathen Clifford’ bearing a strong resemb'auce to the American stHtesmau Channcey ! Depew. The halanee of the ?upport acqnitted themselves very ! creditly. | * Tho next |>erformance will be given on Thursday evening when *‘A Wife’s Devotion.” or as it is Know to the Eazlish st»ge as ! > o ; “Queen's Evidenee” will be the | bill. This bill affurds Mr. Hal- | lett an excelleiit opportunity as Sol >mon Isaacs a des gning jew w!:ase co.npIic.it o:s are highly humorous.