Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Oeeauie amve<i *t 2 o'eloek tdis «fternooa. Tbe Oeeanie leaves at 5 o’eleek for J«pnn and Cbina. Tbe Heaianī Boat Club will tneet <»ext Fridav. The fair opened at 2 o'eloek this afternoon. Tbe Hawaiian Republican Club meets to-nigbt at tbe Amenean i>aagi:e Hall. Tbe board of rninagement of the Humane Society will meet tomorrow at 2 30 p m. The American Leapue will bold a rneetingof impoi lanee tomorrow night. Tbe boards of registration will close ne\t Saturday. Those who want to vote shoaId mako up their minds at onee. Count To'na Festetizs who ; risited ilouolulu a shurt w»»ile ago diod reeentlv iu tbe S< ntb Pacific. Has tbe poliee departmeut beou turned iut<) a polilii’.il clnt>? i Wbere istbe marshal? Ou biaw.iv to Hawaii? Tbe Tbeosophists metb\st n’gbt at Harmony Hall. Mrs. Qalloway and Mr Marques entertained tbe large audieuce. Consul-General Hawe.s entertained a number of friends at his residence last nigiil. A most enjoyable evening was had. The “Eonnie Duugaree’ aml the ‘*Heu!ari” returne»l from Molokai. They didn’t s.»ve anythiug. Tala aboat brayiug asses. The town is full of them. MoBrayer’s wbiskey is only to be foond at tbe Empira Sal>»on. And when it’s found it stays —and brays. * GooJ and Kidwell are going to shoot on Saturday for a purse of 11,000. They sbould use their owu carcasses for targ«ts and tben eee if they could bit. Tbe $1.000 would be safe. Minister Willis has laken posse*sion of his new resideuce ou Kiog Streefc. His Eicellency has spenfc several raontbs at Sans Souci wbere he haa enjoyed tho fine batbing and beautifnl air Tbe Young re?idence where he oow lives is largo and commodious. Mr. C. H. Wetmore, former!y of the San Francisco Exaraiuer. bas iakeo charge of tbe loc«l editorship of t u e Adverti8tr. It is reported th»t Mr. Preston will remain iu the employ of thepaper and that Mr. Wetmore possib!y will relieve Mr. Armstiong. who is very, very tired and wants to go back to the”8haviug” busiuess. m m