Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
/\SSIQHEE’S S^LE1 THE F.NTIRE ?TC«CK OF Wenn.erJj Co. WILL BE SOLD Regardless of Cost. wpl Mf pioneek; Steam CANDY Factory. B.4HI:RY and lee Cream Parlors! Wl $63 W M 1894 H V PRACTICAL CONFEC T1GNEK and ORNAMENTER In aU branches of ihe butineit 011 lhese itlaudt. Americ»n. English, Gemian and FrencU ~ PASTRIEi Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made of tbe Very Best M»terial *nd al Keasouable Rates. Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Aluayt on līanā. ALL COSFE€fIOSERY Manufactured at Mr Estab!ishment Are Gn*ranteed to be Positively Pure and Sold at Prices no other establishinent ean comp>ete witb. FACTORY AND STORE, No. •! IIotel Street, Ilonolnln. Both īelephonea No. 74. jy2C Per S.S. AUSTRALIA frora the Coast CAMARINOS | Refrigera'tor ! Contain a Eull Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salraon, Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, Gerraan Prunes Crawford Peaches, Silver Prunes Hoee Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. Califomia Fruit Market. Maiual Tel. 378 lt sr. CHIN KEE. HOESESHOELN*G SHOP, Maunake» a Pauahi Street. all ronad 9 | 50 MkaH ronod 00 Xct Door to No. 5 Eogine Hoow. »ag 1 HūYeiitye^(Jū. Tin8miths and Dealors Qtockery, CtAssware. $c. f|m ||FVS ūm SXD PLUHBOfO y*ATLT £XBCCT£D Nm»bu Sl Amu Klae »wt Hotat j/o3m WE INVITE ALL SMOKEBS To «J1 aod inapeel our l»te ispporUtion «f oti«ōnAU-d G. B. D. p pe», q0||9