Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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O.-en 'loui'H Tbe l».«nd will n-.»t |»lay t<»nigbt. TLe n e is due ioinoimw. C. Moec‘de, t:.e pboa r <gr.ij«b m»u is in town.

Tbe Daiiy Company b»s scoreJ aa A rtistic snccessor. Mr. Snow will be Rome >. and Miss Nam.ary Jaliel tonight. Mr Aibert Ii«rn. sof S|>recko ville is p»viaj' a tiyi. g trip lo to*n. !t ;s ruinored tliat ther< will bo aCathol c Fair to*norr*>w nigbt at the Armory. Tbere is n tlow of nuceasing buuior in “Tbe PUyer,” that is, sure to deligbt. The Healani Boat Cl«b meet>tomorrow uight iu the rootas of tbe chamber <>f e 'iniu rce. Miss Dalgkisb will watch tbo the prod >guse to “Tho Pl >yer” toaigbt from tbe priv..te box. Dej>uty - dej>uty' - postoiaslergeuerai Ken ik has returned from a v«cati >n trij> t > Kauni.

The NaUonal Band will give a concert ou the oth inst. in honyr of Captaiu Uuwos, H. B. M. S. acting eom nissioner aml consulgeneral. Mr Kowell Uie saperiutendent of pulilie works. is aroand ag*iin. Mr. Emmelaih is also here. Oi.e of Klemnie’emen weredismissed from the poliee force tod«y. The clmrges laid against the eaplain by tlio friends of the late officer ure rather startling. Purser AVhite will be married tonight to Miss Bruns. The best wishes for foture prosperity wi l follow the young eouple.

Mr. W. Kinnoy is confiueil lo hia bed at Waialae through a slight indiaposition. He ie expeoW to resume h : s work in a few day§. Captain Andrews otiers his well-known blac\i saddle-horae for sale. The captain, who is moving to Maui, has got a few “O iiusborough - ’ colts thore, and prefeis to dispensa with ihe beau tiful borse whieh has now heeome celebrated in Honolulu The mounted poliee got an othor scare last Saturday uight. A celebrating party fired a few Chinese borabs on King street. Trembling borses, and still raore trerabling riders approacbed tbe spot of tbe »oise within eleven hundred yards. Nobody waa i hurt.