Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

i J*»rr((^T.'jj. iT’SATOSSUP Sometiiuos whor chase aoy prtrtien?sr not if yoa happen i % • • ’ thing in the line 01 £rtists’ 5upp PicT^re or enhirget.l p.ortrait>. t. but one plaee in Hon pnrehase ail raateria’> .1. KING BROS. Stor >, fo r there is no rital on Islanx.ls. The fiuost paintings i;i II . nre ou exhibitiou in ; r.> _ The firm makes a sj ei , • enlarging portraits as makiug pictnro fraiues ;ae very latest styles uf in lu the sheet piotures. have thonsamls to sel et f; .1 f whieh they invite au ir.sj at auy time. K1NG B R(> . Hotel Strcet, : : . II ;f ; aug. 25-lnivl.v. POK SALE A Complete Himting' Outfit. Oue Iri.sli Setter 1> ivh > ; best b!ood m Amer > i; r in tbe A. Iv. S. P». and p niy broken. One Pointer b;tch by > -iebrated GIenbe : gh t1i r in Englaml. Oue Pup'five wceks o'd f and oiolhe»- thorot:giibree>!s. One Backboi«rd b i , for hnnting purposos. One 12 g*uge L. C. S a th as good us new and in lin•- nrder. Tboaboveoutfit will be ? ’•! o.r Enquire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Anehor Saloon. sepli» tf NOTICE. D. Howard Hitchcock li - i - opened his classes in dr:iwi:;, r •:. i painting at his Class-K i n Hotel Pt. Class instruction3 givtn e. Wednesday and Satnnl y from " p. m. , to 12 v. M. Applicat on for tho full terra should be mado at oneo. 1 • CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf &, C >.. will rtm . Arlington B:uck llotel Str-.-t. when; they wiil b.l, r a t "• and plea«e their Patrons. Will keep on hand all tht- !at( papers. Book Stationery, Periodica!3 «i Nove!tieg f in all branches of the trade. se 14 tf poi:m) mastei!‘s notice. Notice is hereby giv<.n to all porson» that there are at tli--Pou id at Masiki, t ; T ®f brar,ded Ka on right nl U C h ? ;1 browu Mure, iuul brar:d; 1 red horse. branded fr, “ r, R l)l , *••■»> Uip, brand— u kMwo qq left h ind hi am , u to spot on foreli?utl lhēs^ y ° r P 6 ” 008 owui g «mr4e ar tlo reiiae8tetl lJ hefo« 12 °r ; 0etober6. 1H9| ***** ««tnrday. Sep.