Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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S ! THE ENTIRE >T0* K OF Wcn«ner$ Co. WILL BF. ? >L0 Regardless of Cost. I «p5 S—tl pioneek: Steam CANDY Factory. BAKERY and Ice Cream Parlors! HOPN m m 1863 lll WJ 1894 P®ACTICAL COXFF.C T1Q N EH and ORNA!WENTER In all branches of thc bvsinett oa these Ulanāi. Amcrican. Emrli#b. Oennan anU French PASTKIES Made to Ooler. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKE8 MaUo of tlic Very Dcst Malenal auU at Keasouable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahrai/s on IIand. ALL C«XFE€TIOXERY / Manufactnred at My Establishment Arc Gaaranteed to be Positively Pure and Sold at Priccs uo other estsbli«hment ean eompele with. tJtT FACTORY AND STORE, No. TI Hotel Street, Honoluln. Both Telephones No. 74. jy26 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEĪNOS i Refrig-erator | Contain a Kull Supply of lee House, such Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Canlitlower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Aprlcots Mectarines, Japancse Pluuis I Tokay Grapes, Gennan Prunes i Crawfonl Peaches, Silver Prunes H >se Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. California Fmit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 It r ! CH1X KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea i Pauahi Street. Xtw set *U.roon-l $ .1 50 Oid set *!1 |ronn-l £ 1 00 Next Door to No. 5 £ngiae Hva.sc. •ng 1 u (T6?JJtIEPlTHL JJHCK D. eOKNEK OP Nuuanu and Berctania Strc-et». j ->dl /—Both Tkleph nes;— > 561 GOOD, RELIABLE axd iv27 lf CIVIL DRIVERS. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Hooses to reut aad for Sa!e. ; R nts colleeted, coareyaaciog iu | all iis branches atteaded to vitb prtjaiptuesA and despatcb. Honoilu Re.u. Estate Aokxct. 103 Fort St