Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 ʻOkakopa 1894 — THE LAST STRAW. [ARTICLE]
The nnmioalion made by the for senator« *nd re, refeentitīves are characteristic of tLe followers of Do!e. Men who never were of any possir le use to lheir conslitue ts, and wb ’ w«re ■sn *wed o:ider. \ears *ud v- is ago. have bern dng up and will l>e made. if not repre *>e tHt ves. ob-d ent alavea of the f >mily eompeel H«waii will be represented in the r *pnbl *an sen »tv by F. S. L\ mau, Chas. Notlcy, Northrop »nd J K n ubane. In r gat l to Xortbrup, we admit Ui >t v.e do not know who he is; bot we car.not refrain fiom aski- g our friend3. the enemies, from Dole and Smith. to Hatch a d Klemme. if it is rea!ly imj)ossible for tliis government to find men, ■•. ho might be sn;table for 1. g slative wors and at the su«se time possess qnalities, tbat will lift them above the level. rej)r*-seuted by the N >tleyKauhaue ring ? (Di Maui tbere is room for three scuators. W. A. Horncr, H. P. ; Baldwiu •Kiuka’’ WTlder and a nutive scho)l-teacher ot H-na have been n minated aud in sj*ite of a ham oi position three of them will undonbtedly be elec‘.ed. The purity <>f the election aud of the \ reseut g >vernmont is well dHQīOnstratedby th<‘ nomii alionon Maui of Kaleikau, ali and Dias. The Attorney-Geher.il most feel proud iu securiiig as siipp>>rters. meu who formerlv were wellkuown to him, uot exactly as i honest, industri us and \vortby citizens. If it \vasn’t, th:>t the j ke is gettingstale; that tbe raen <rho feel friendly towards Hawaii are gettmg tircd and th>t tlie government is getting so extrerae1 v bopeless, we sliould be wiiling to put our sl.oulder to the wheol of state aiul warn <>tt’ tbe fools who uow, clothed with brief j ;n thority. kill t: oir own ohances aud the future of the couutrv by ■ graspi‘ g, the last weak straw, held <-ut to thera by strangers, adventurers ai>d liirclings, who do not kuow t !•* Viiluo of siuceritv. but w>* see no nse iu tbe giasi)i: g bnsiuoss. we/* e no use 1 iu the st i\v. As far >> tl;e eleeli u is c< ncenu*d \»e have nothii;g to say ai»d n<> jt>>\ver to chulig<* tho views <>f t .<■ HaWitiiaiis. Lel ‘ Kaiīk.i' Lfuidui ar.il tho iesis tinthe i ext l;o se. Tl»> ii iutl euee at ( ali tiraes vvi 11 L*e nil. tl;eir p»>wei w.ll oi.iy allow ihem to ha gon t > the flim>y str*iw that > evcr giv<> suj j> it > r help t>> tlie friends of Hawaii.