Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
8RUG£ CARTWRICHT oi m r. iacuLry X«tife Tr*n>artc<i. Ppennpi to tbr .T.*naj!*«ct /f FU: tu=i. Gt Trn/it». «{»'.. Pte., etc. f 'a iwrigkt IiuH>ttny, Str«t. Honolnln i’H. MAY & Co„ i Tea Dealers> Coffee Roasters a » Provision Merchants •*'' l*‘>rt Srre‘{, - il«>iioiuln F.iimlic,s, I’iuntation.s anJ Ships snpplie l with ch<>icest R\iropeaa <C* .4rnerican Gmcfries C.itifornia Pnniuee hy £very Stcamor. Mcroliant J£xclianfre | Coruer Kmp auo Kuaanu Hueel*. S. I. S !A\V Proprietor. The Fiuest se!eotiou oi LIQ JOKS uiui ; UEKU. sold »nvrhere in the town. l'ir»t-cla«s attendance. Call and jadge (or yuumJf. no tl3—tf. LEWIS & G0,. Aholesale snd Retaii Gro ASD PUOVlSlOM DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8<»u Fraacisco Steamer. . * Salt Salmon ix Baurels A SPECIALTY. iii Forl Si., Hono/ulu. Tel. 140, p •). po X 2Q7. CALIFOr»NIA Wine Company -107 Ft>UT STREET, 9 Mcfneniy Bh»ck. » JOBBERS OF WINICS, aud SPrRITS KENGLUN, RH0T0GRAPHER, Nunana aad Paaalii Street*. Cabiueis I3.. r >0 Por Dozen, 3.00 Per I 2 Dozen, 8x10 r».ō0 Per D.<zen. 3,50 Per 1-2 D»-zen. Drv Oi>ods m d Ohineae Silks. ī{aimlm jiotel MaUI Si((q, PEOPRI.\TOR. •ep» 7—tf Kmpii*© SaIoon, f AMF-> OLDS, ranrurīt.K; Fin2 Wiiiea, Liquors. 3ee* alwas on haxd. Comer,\ttaana tad IL>uū Sto»u IM Wepw».3U. OAm Rux W