Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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30HSA T VE! A!hr*f* K< ■ 1■' >•>» ! «f t; V Best PioneiM- Soap la Cxsw of M.» «1 : S THIS SOAP T . Fiaest lmportea H213. k SPEClAL PRICi' ’-R ' IN LOTS ,m mn «i ci>mps Celebrated Brand3 of SC0TCH W1I1SKK\ Xamely: BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsleys OLD Blemled Glcnlivet GLE ,N ION Exto,s ; . a eiEMION SPECIAL LIOUEUk SCOTCII \VH1SKEY |ySS n City - Carria§ f4’p’Q. Ctr. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET ! D. DEj\iT, Mj^hae[cR ! Blacksmith Work AJ.D Cirriaje Rjpiirinj 2 PAIXTING :ANI) :TRIMMIaG Iii nll it« Rranoheg, at R ek Priccs. Mutual TeI»*p!iOiif 882 B&" Give us* a Cali aml j 1u. for yo«rsclf. jy-3 ArMnīisT?.ATīOirs THE UXDKRSICNED havru: : 1 r appoiuted Admini<irator ot ifie K-r» - . ■ Petei.o Kakui. (k) late of Huno uiu. • decca*ed. Noliee 1» fccrc l _v itlven to »i < ■ - f thc decea.-cd to prvs. nl tbeir i-■l«im- • r »epured by M *rtp. or oth. r«i-e, 0 r autbendic<ited an<T«ith tfce pi..j • r \ -, if «n_v exi»t to the nnd> r- uii' d w - T rn<>nth» fruDi tbedaloh* I ■t! ■ 1 < foreve.- I»rm); and «II pem- - im! ihe »aid deci«»ed arv r> >ju. to e - tnraediatu |«jment at tbe OlUe. J. K. Kiclia, CŌn> r of Quven an i > .» i StreeU, Up-»t«ir*. KAH I PETEL<) K iK"I Ailtiiini>trator of tbe Ertate vt 1’ Kakoi, (k) devea»ed. Iluooluiu, Sept II. l»t. II > YUK CHAX, DEA! ER IX Fii}e \\tJj Ftne TaiIor'n" Fine Chinese and J H;.ndkerchi* fr* Noa. 31 t*> 33 Nuuanu 8t. H n - 'ulu. P.O. B»x 2.73. jy5 J- H. TRUSCULER, Ooot A Sh )emakei*> 130 Fnrt\ Otrect. R*?pair'no, ne;itlv Done *nalf 'ole .mtl huel witb pegs.. 1 Hulf sule uuj heel sewttiii £1.50, au7 midkir s & co. Tailoi r An»eri.- n. Ec.jli s h „ n ,t Spotoh T«teii> on han.L First-class wurk gurun'Dt>ed. H >»el St. t uader Axiiogtou f{uU) I i>» aonoinlo. S. D CCR t. Nlali. g«lC i UOO.